Thomas Wall Trust Charities Grant Programme

The charities grant programme aims to support people with an emphasis on building confidence, knowledge and skills, and therefore increasing prospects of employment.

We offer grants up to £5,000 towards specific projects or core activities that support literacy, numeracy, digital and additional skills for learning that are likely to assist employment prospects. The Trust recognises that the future of the labour market will become increasingly competitive, with employers placing greater emphasis on transferable skills.

We will fund:

  • A UK charity that has been registered with the Charity Commission for at least 3 years

  • A project or running costs for a charity that equips people (aged 11 and over) with the skills ready for employment

  • Annual repeat funding for up to 3 years – subject to satisfactory annual reviews of progress and impact

  • The charity’s annual turnover does not exceed £500,000

We prioritise

  • Match funded projects

  • Charities that can provide compelling evidence of impact

  • Charities working with collaborative networks

  • Self-sustainable projects, with a view to becoming less reliant on grants in the future

For more information and to apply, visit

NatWest Social and Community Capital to launch £1m Coronavirus Response Fund

Opening for applications at 9 am on Monday 22nd June, our friends at NatWest Social and Community Capital are launching a new £1 million fund offering grants of between £5,000 and £50,000 to organisations across the UK that employ people from vulnerable or disadvantaged groups.

These grants are unrestricted and can be used for any purpose, including core costs. Organisations must have an annual turnover between £50,000 and £1 million, must have been generating at least 30% of revenue from trading income before the crisis and must have suffered a loss in trading income due to lockdown restrictions. Full eligibility criteria are outlined below.

Applications will stay open for at least one week. It is hoped that applications will remain open for longer but may need to close after a week depending on how many applications they receive and if they reach their capacity, so applicants are encouraged to submit the application as soon as possible.

Full information on the grants, including the application form and how to apply, will be available here from Monday 22nd June.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Organisations must employ people from vulnerable or disadvantaged groups

  • Organisations must generate at least 30% of revenue from trading income

  • Organisations must have had a pre-coronavirus annual turnover of between £50,000 to £1 million

  • The organisation must have suffered a loss of trading income since March 2020, caused by lockdown restrictions

  • The organisation must have been founded and trading prior to 1st January 2019

  • The organisation must have been financially sustainable (or on a path to financial stability) up to March 2020

  • The organisation must be constituted, operating and delivering impact in England, Scotland, Wales, and/or Northern Ireland

  • The organisation must have one of the following legal structures: Community Interest Company (CIC), Company Limited by Guarantee, Community Benefit Society, Co-operative Society, Unincorporated association, Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), Charitable Trusts, Registered Charity

The following will need to be provided in the application form:

  • Basic information about the organisation, contact details, staff and volunteer numbers, year and date founded, financial information for the last 3 years and forecasts for the next 2 years

  • A description of the organisation’s mission, key activities and impact over the last year

  • Details about the grant request including what it will be used for, why it’s needed and what impact would be achieved

For more information and to apply please visit

Moy Park has established a £1 Million Fund to support community organisations

Charities and support groups can apply for a grant from the Moy Park Community Support Fund which is aimed at supporting and enriching the lives of those in need across its local communities. This new initiative builds on Moy Park’s range of existing and long-established community measures, including charity and educational programmes.

Launching the £1 Million Community Support Fund scheme, Moy Park’s HR and Performance Director, Kirsty Wilkins said:

“At Moy Park, our commitment to contribute to the wellbeing of the communities we operate in has always been at the heart of our business. We draw most of our employees from the areas surrounding our facilities and we see our communities as important partners. This new £1 Million Community Support Fund will help provide extra assistance to our neighbours over the next 24 months.

“The food industry plays a vital role, keeping our supermarket shelves stocked and we are thankful to our local towns, villages and team members who are part of this important effort. Moy Park is a people focused organisation, and we invest heavily in development opportunities for our colleagues in the workplace. This new community initiative is a natural extension of this approach and we look forward to receiving applications from local groups.”

Applications to apply for a grant from the Moy Park Community Support Fund will open on the 1st of July and can be made via Moy Park’s website

Hargreaves Foundation: Funding for Sport and Education

Charities and educational institutions can apply for grants to support those under the age of 18 years, and living with a mental health problem, physical disability or growing up in poverty through the mediums of sport and education.

Registered charities, charitable incorporated organisations, schools and further education colleges, as well as NHS Trusts can apply for grants. Although organisations from across the UK are eligible to apply, priority will be given to organisations based in and/or working in the South West of England.

Funding (there is no set minimum or maximum grant) will be awarded for activities that achieve one or more of the following objectives:

  • Enabling individuals to experience the mental and physical health benefits of participatory sport.

  • Ensuring participatory sport is accessible (accessibility includes affordability).

  • Providing sporting or educational activities that foster life skills.

  • Aiming to improve academic engagement and attainment.

  • Encouraging the development of skills and personal attributes to aid future employability.

The following types of activities are eligible:

  • One-off, time-limited (less than six months) projects or events.

  • Training for staff/volunteers.

  • Residential activities.

  • Events.

  • Purchase of specific items.

The majority of those benefiting from the project/using the items must be from the target group, which are those under the age of 18, and living with a mental health problem, physical disability, or growing up in poverty.

Applications are accepted at any time.

For more information and to apply please visit

The Alpkit Foundation: COVID-19 Support

The Alpkit Foundation supports projects that champion education, participation, environment, diversity and health. The Foundation is currently prioritising their funds to support projects that demonstrate an immediate impact on those affected by the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic with grants of up to £500.

Who Can Apply

Organisations and individuals serving those affected by the coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak in the UK may apply.


Applicants are advised to contact the funder to confirm whether restrictions apply.

Eligible Expenditure

Examples of eligible projects include:

  • Being active in local communities to help elderly or vulnerable people.

  • Minimising the impact of self-isolation for those in quarantine and need access to food, medicines or social care.

  • Supporting foodbanks and increasing the number of meals on wheels deliveries to support the elderly.

  • Supporting those who are homeless or in temporary accommodation.

  • Bringing adventure indoors and overcoming the obstacles that prevent people benefiting from going outdoors.

How To Apply

The scheme is now open for applications. Applications can be submitted at any time via Alpkit Foundation’s online form, which can be found on their website.

National Lottery Fund's priority to keep money flowing to communities affected by Covid-19

The National Lottery Fund

The National Lottery Community Fund is the largest community funder in the UK. Each year we distribute millions of pounds of The National Lottery’s good causes money to community groups and charitable projects around the country.


While our main funding programmes remain open, our immediate priority is to keep money flowing to support people, communities and organisations affected by the COVID-19 crisis.

We’re keeping our commitments to existing grant holders and funding new projects supporting communities who are adapting to the increasing challenges of COVID-19.

For the next six months, we will be prioritising applications from:

  1. Organisations supporting people who are at high risk from COVID-19

  2. Organisations supporting communities most likely to face increased demand and challenges as a direct result of COVID-19

  3. Organisations with high potential to support communities with the direct and indirect impact of COVID-19

What funding is available?

National Lottery Awards for All Northern Ireland


  • Projects bringing local people together to make positive changes in their community.

  • No deadline, so groups can apply any time.

  • Applying is quick and simple.

  • Applications welcome from constituted voluntary or community organisations, schools, and statutory bodies.

  • If we funded you within the last two years, we may have to give priority to other groups that have not recently been funded through this programme.

  • This funding is for projects that will run for 12 months or less

Find out more

People and Communities


  • Project ideas should come from the community. Talk to the people you want to help and get them involved in shaping and planning the project.

  • Your project should make good use of the skills, knowledge, resources and energy of people within your community; making it stronger and ready for the future.

  • Understand the need for your project and how it fits with the work of other organisations. Build relationships and work together on shared goals.

  • Applications welcome from constituted voluntary or community organisations, and social enterprises.

  • This funding is for projects that will run for between 1 and 5 years.

Find out more

Empowering Young People


  • This funding is for projects that work with young people (8 – 25 years old), and which will run for between 1 and 5 years.

  • Projects will help young people to: have the skills they need for the future; have better relationships with their support networks and communities; and/or have improved health and wellbeing.

  • Young people must be involved in the planning and delivery of the project. They must be able to develop the skills to help themselves, and their support networks and communities need to be involved too.

  • Applications welcome from constituted voluntary or community organisations, and social enterprises.

Find out more

Plunkett Foundation Help for Rural Community Businesses

A dedicated programme of support has been launched by the Plunkett Foundation to help rural community businesses across the UK as they battle the unprecedented challenge of the coronavirus lockdown.

Thanks to funding from the Co-op, Plunkett will offer a dedicated package of free Covid-19 support for open and trading community businesses, as well as those developing groups that have been affected by the pandemic.

The new scheme will focus on getting one-to-one support to groups that need it the most. This will include free practical support from Plunkett’s national network of specialist community businesses advisers. All forms of community business – including woodlands, farms, bakeries, pubs and shops – will be able to get support, advice and guidance on a range of issues such as; developing short – medium term cash flow, reviewing business plans, applying for funding, upholding good practice governance, utilising community shares and accessing government support.

Those developing groups that were working towards opening their business will also be able to access adviser support to help these projects navigate this challenge.

As a core part of all Plunkett operations, peer learning will be proactively encouraged and community businesses will be linked up with each other to share experiences and stories of what they are doing, how they are responding to Covid-19 and what innovative practises have been introduced.

Plunkett’s chief executive James Alcock said: “We are grateful to the Co-op for recognising the crucial role that all types of community businesses play in rural areas, and for supporting Plunkett at this critical time when community businesses most need our support. The coronavirus lockdown has had a wide and varied effect on our members – some have experienced a surge in demand but a reduction in volunteers, whilst others have been forced to close their doors, and many have diversified and adapted the services they offer to meet local need and recruit whole new armies of volunteers. Above all, those involved in running community businesses have been faced with unprecedented challenges and unfamiliar and difficult decisions to make, making this new support from Co-op so vital. “This new support will not only help community businesses, but it will help the many thousands of people in rural areas who rely heavily on the services they offer. Plunkett and our network of Advisers want to ensure these businesses will not just survive but continue to thrive in the future.”

Co-operative Partnerships Manager Edward Powell said: “‘The Plunkett Foundation has supported almost 600 community businesses across some of the most rural and isolated communities in the UK, helping not only to safeguard valuable assets but to deliver food and be leading hubs of voluntary responses to Covid-19. “The Co-op have always supported other co-operatives and community businesses with co-operation at their heart. By helping the Plunkett Foundation support community businesses to adapt to the challenges of the crisis, we can together help to save these vital hubs, so communities can work together to address the needs of their communities. That is co-operation in action.”

For more information on Plunkett’s Covid-19 Support contact us directly via / 01993 810 730. Plunkett has a dedicated Covid-19 live page, which is regularly updated with the latest advice and guidance for community businesses. Pub and shop groups can also share information in the Community Shop and Community Pub networks on Facebook.

Communities Minister Launches £1.5m Support Fund for Arts Sector

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey MLA has announced funding of £1.5m to support individuals and organisations in the Arts Sector in response to COVID-19.

‘The Creative Support Fund’, has been created to provide financial support for a diverse range of performing artists and community art organisations.

Individual artists and creative practitioners, who have lost their work as a result of COVID-19, can apply for funding of up to £5,000 to take new and innovative approaches in continuing to provide their talents and services to audiences, particularly those facing barriers to the arts.

Small and medium-sized organisations will be able to apply for maximum funding of £25,000 to help them develop new projects or programmes or re-arrange events which have had to be cancelled during the COVID-19 period.

Minister Hargey said:

“These two programmes will provide a significant and welcome source of assistance to individuals and organisations in the Arts Sector, which plays a crucial role in our economy and contributes greatly to the mental wellbeing of our communities.

“As a result of this pandemic they do not have opportunities to work in their usual way that is why I am pleased to be able to support them through this ‘Creative Support Fund’. It will provide them with the means to find different ways of engaging with audiences across a range of platforms and ensure arts services are not withdrawn from the public at this crucial time.”

The Creative Support Fund will be administered by the Arts Council NI who are contributing £500k of Lottery Funding to the initiative. The Individual Artists and Creative Practitioners Programme will be available immediately.

To find out more about the criteria and to apply, visit

Covid-19 Response - RAFT Fund open for applications

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, The Fore has launched RAFT (Rapid Action by The Fore and Trusts). RAFT consists of a number of emergency activities to support small charities and social enterprises adversely affected by the crisis.

The RAFT Fund is seeking to ensure that effective small charities and social enterprises are able to meet the rapidly changing needs of their beneficiaries, remain viable and prepare for delivery when the acute phase of the crisis is over.

The fund will provide grants for high quality, well-managed small charities and social enterprises with great leadership doing vital work in their communities.

RAFT Fund opens for applications on Wednesday 22nd April 2020 at 10 am.

The fund offers unrestricted grants of up to £5000 to any small charity or social enterprise in the UK with a turnover of under £500,000.

To Apply

For more information and to apply please visit

Slieve Kirk Wind Park launches £50,000 Covid-19 Response Fund

THE owners of a wind farm in Derry have launched a £50,000 response fund to support community groups living within 12 miles of the facility to help support those most in need as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

The money is being made available by SSE Airtricity, which owns the 32-turbine Slieve Kirk wind park at Lisdillon Road at Ardmore, near Strabane.

The cash is being released immediately from the overall Slieve Kirk wind park annual community fund to support rapid response initiatives that are currently being mobilised, as well as for projects to help rebuild the community in the months ahead.

Michelle Donnelly, community development officer for Slieve Kirk wind park, said: “From the outset of this emergency, community and voluntary groups have responded remarkably to provide services and support for the vulnerable in our society.

“From the smallest gestures, such as calling those living alone, to more organised and larger-scale home delivery efforts, volunteers are making a real difference to people, especially the elderly or unwell.

The funding is available to volunteer-led community groups delivering Covid-19 response activities to communities and individuals living within 12 miles of Slieve Kirk.

To Apply

Applications will be assessed on a first-come basis and will be instantly processed to ensure funding reaches the communities in need as quickly as possible.

Groups wishing to apply for funding can download forms from

Email, or call Michelle Donnelly on 079 21099663.

Barclays launches £100 million COVID-19 Community Aid Package

On 8th April the company announced the establishment of The Barclays Foundation, initially to provide a COVID-19 Community Aid Package of £100 million to charities working to support vulnerable people impacted by COVID-19 and to alleviate the associated social and economic hardship caused by the crisis.

The package is made up of two components.

First, a corporate contribution of £50 million, which will be donated to, and deployed via, a variety of charities working to support vulnerable people impacted by COVID-19, and in alleviating the associated social and economic hardship caused by the crisis. The money will be disbursed principally in the UK, but also in Barclays’ international markets, including the USA and India.

Second, is a £50 million commitment by Barclays to match personal donations made by our employees to charities of their choice, local to them, and which are working to support communities impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.

For more information please visit

Small grants available in rural Mid Ulster

Small Grants for Un-constituted Groups

Cookstown and Western Shores Area Network (CWSAN) is providing a limited number of small grants of £150 each to assist very localised and isolated communities in rural areas throughout Mid Ulster.

CWSAN is also offering advice on access to other regional funds.

If you are aware of another grant and need assistance please discuss with us directly and we shall endeavour to help.

To Apply

Call Conor on 07384356675

Neighbourly Community Fund - helping communities affected by the new Coronavirus outbreak

With the support of our partner businesses M&S, Lidl, Aldi, Danone and Coca-Cola European Partners, Neighbourly are launching a series of micro-grants of up to £400, to support good causes that are helping communities affected by the new Coronavirus outbreak.

Grants will be awarded to existing members of Neighbourly in UK and Ireland whose work will involve supporting members of the community suffering economically, socially or from ill health as a result of the outbreak. This may include, but not be limited to, elderly people, those on low incomes and people at risk of food insecurity.

Grants are unrestricted and can go towards food provision, emergency supplies, practical support, running costs, transport and other essentials.

For more information please visit

National Emergencies Trust launches appeal to help Civic Society support those affected by the Coronavirus outbreak

The National Emergencies Trust has launched an appeal to raise funds to help local charities support those individuals suffering hardship as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

The appeal has been launched with the support of media, business and governmental organisations, and in partnership with the British Red Cross who will be managing donations. The Trust will then award grants to ensure the funds reach those who need it most across the UK.

Donations can be made at:

Or through the following on-line giving platforms: Just Giving, Go Fund Me, Virgin Money Gives, Good Launch, Muslim Giving.

The National Emergencies Trust will distribute money raised through a number of charitable organisations, for example, local Community Foundations, to ensure it reaches those who need it most.

Those partners will work within parameters agreed with NET to help identify the greatest need and distribute funds with both care and speed wherever possible.

This partnership network has been created by the NET since it was set up last year, in response to recommendations by the Charity Commission following a series of UK emergencies in 2017. The public can be confident that funds will only be granted to trusted organisations who know best the needs of their local communities.

Individuals and charities should not apply directly to the NET for funds. Local charities should contact their local Community Foundation to apply for funding.


A B Charitable Trust

The A B Charitable Trust (ABCT) was set up in 1990 by Yves and Anne Bonavero. Its purpose was to support unpopular causes that championed human dignity and to focus on small and medium-sized charities working close to the ground. See our values.

There are eight Trustees who meet quarterly.

The Trust has no endowment. It is funded annually by the Bonavero family.

The Trustees reviewed the Trust’s grant-giving strategy in October 2018.

The A B Charitable Trust has given nearly £19 million since it was founded. You can find details of its grants in the latest annual report.

For more information please visit

Eranda Rothschild Foundation

The Eranda Rothschild Foundation is a UK registered charitable trust and makes donations to registered charities working in the fields of medical research, education and the arts.

The aim of the trustees is to support charities in the fields of medical research, education and the arts. In addition, social welfare is supported, especially work known to the trustees. If charities work locally, priority is given to those in Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire. We support registered charities, including Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs) and those correctly registered as charities in their own countries

For more information and to apply please visit

The Anchor Foundation

Supporting Christian Charities concerned with social inclusion particularly through ministries of healing and the arts.

  • The trustees look favourably on organisations whose boards demonstrate equal opportunities.

  • We will consider applications for projects abroad or in the UK.

  • In any one year the grant range to a project is between £500 and £10,000.

  • We will consider applications for either capital or revenue funding but do not give grants to individuals.

  • Applications are considered at twice yearly trustees meetings in April and October and need to be received by 31st January and 31st July each year.

For more information and to apply please visit

Trusthouse Charitable Foundation

The foundation supports projects in areas of deprivation that work in the area of community support or arts, heritage and education. Grants are awarded for running costs or one-off capital costs to charities and not-for-profit organisations.  

Who can apply? Voluntary and community groups working in any part of the UK.
Deadline: No deadline
Value: Small grants (between £2,000 and £7,500) and large grants (between £7,500 and £20,000)

For more information and to apply please visit

Grow Wild Grants

Grow Wild are awarding grants of £2,000 or £4,000 to groups across the UK, whose project ideas will help people connect, learn and give back in their community, with a focus on UK native wildflowers, plants or fungi.

Full details of the grant, including a suitability checker, can be found on the

Grow Wild website:

Or you can contact Stephanie Baine on 07920 477 553 or at