Tree Planting for Winter 2023 - 2024

  • Applications are open to all landowners: farmers, smallholders, councils, community groups, schools, colleges, sports clubs, golf clubs, youth groups, healthcare and hospital grounds, church and faith communities, gardeners and other landowners.

  • Applicants will be issued with an application number by email when their order is complete and will be kept up to date with project news, tree delivery details and other information by email.

  • Applications are accepted on a first come first served basis. We have limited numbers of trees and applications will be closed early if all trees are accounted for before the deadline. Please do not leave your application to the last minute - apply promptly to avoid disappointment.

  • Application Deadline: Applications for trees will close at 5pm on Monday 23rd October 2023.

Schools & Colleges:

  • Sponsored trees are available free of charge to schools and colleges.

  • Schools and colleges may apply for up to 250 trees and 2 apple trees.

    Community Projects: Community Groups, Councils, Sports Clubs, youth groups, healthcare and hospital grounds, church and faith communities:

  • Sponsored trees are available free of charge to community groups, councils, sports clubs, youth groups, healthcare and hospital grounds, church and faith communities. Tidy Towns, residents groups, allotments, scouts groups and community groups of all kinds are welcome to apply.

  • There is no upper or lower limit on tree numbers - larger projects may undertake planting over a number of years as multi-year projects.

For more information and to apply, please visit Plant Trees — Trees on the Land