Comic Relief Announces New UK Fund for the UK’s Migration Sector to Open in February 2024

Comic Relief Announces New UK Fund for the UK’s Migration Sector to Open in February 2024

 Comic Relief has given advanced notice that it ‘expects to launch a new funding opportunity in February for organisations that are supporting refugees and asylum seekers in the UK and/or who are doing influencing work for safer routes and improved outcomes for people affected. This will be for organisations that are already working in this area.’

‘Further funding criteria is being developed. More information about the funding and the application process will be made available in February 2024.’

This will be the first grant scheme under Comic Relief’s new funding strategy, which is focused on the following:

  • Effects of Poverty programme fund works that enables people who bear the brunt of poverty to build community-led solutions and overcome the many problems they face.

  • Tackling Injustices programme funds organisations and movements that strive for fairness and equity, in order to end the injustices that cause and keep people, in poverty.

  • Climate Justice programme will work in places and with people who are already vulnerable and dealing with the effects of climate change.

Further details about the new grant will be provided as soon as they become available.

For more information, please visit Funding opportunities | Comic Relief

LandAid’s Routes Out of Homelessness Programme to Open 8 January

LandAid is a charity established by the UK property industry that has been working for 30 years to end youth homelessness across the UK.

It award grants to exceptional small-medium sized charities working with young people who are at risk of becoming homeless, are currently homeless, or have experienced homelessness in the past. Mainly capital projects are funded as they provide much-needed homes for vulnerable young people.

The Routes out of Homelessness grants programme aims to create new bedspaces for young people (16-25 years) who are homeless or have experienced homelessness.

There are three funding streams within this programme.

  • Safe Spaces Programme: to create new/additional hosting bedspaces, generally bedspaces in the homes of individuals or families who may be volunteers or paid. These bedspaces would generally be used for emergency housing, or as a form of supported housing. There are no funding limits, but bedspaces are expected to cost anywhere between £1,000 and £3,500.

  • Capital Grants Programme with awards between £20,000 and £100,000: to create bedspaces in properties owned by, or on a long-term lease to, charitable organisations. These bedspaces could be used for emergency, supported or move-on accommodation.

  • Move-on Grants Programme: To unlock bedspaces in the private, or social, rental sector. These bedspaces will be for move-on accommodation. These grants would be for charities working with young people who are ready and wanting to move forward into independent living, but face barriers in accessing rental accommodation.  It is anticipated that the average move-on bedspace in the private sector will generally cost £1,000 to £2,000 to unlock.

In 2024, there is particular interest in projects that will create bedspaces with the following attributes:

  • Based in the North-East of England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

  • For groups of young people who may be disproportionately at risk of homelessness. This would include young people of colour, young refugees and young people identifying as LGBTQ+.

  • Which would be transformational for the charity and/or local area.

UK organisations with charitable objectives and three unrelated members of their board of trustees can apply. This includes registered charities, Community Interest Companies (CICs), Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs) or other not-for-profit organisations. Partnership applications are also welcome.

There is a two-stage application process.

Expressions of Interest will be accepted from 8 January 2024.

For more information, please visit Routes Out of Homelessness Grant Programmes - LandAid

Vision Foundation Accepting Applications for National Resilience Fund

Vision Foundation is offering grants of up to £30,000 for registered charities, community interest companies, charitable incorporated organisations, and other charitable organisations that provide support and services for blind and partially sighted people across the UK, for projects and activities designed to reduce levels of isolation and loneliness. 

In the current funding round, grants are available for projects that: 

  • Reduce loneliness and isolation for people living in rural areas.

  • Increase people’s confidence in engaging in activities that reduce loneliness and isolation and improve well-being, eg cultural, physical and work-related activities.

  • Equip people with practical and sustainable tools and skills that reduce anxiety about interacting in person or online, eg digital or interpersonal skills.

  • Support people to build and maintain healthy personal relationships that reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.

  • Address specific challenges faced by under-served groups, eg the queer community, black or Asian communities and people with multiple disabilities or learning differences.

  • Focus on the ways that challenging life events can increase loneliness and isolation for blind and partially sighted people, eg relationship breakdown, bereavement or experiencing domestic violence and abuse.

Priority will be given to organisations that demonstrate a strong commitment to involving experts and people with experience, such as blind and partially sighted people or people at risk of sight loss, in their work.

The deadline for applications is 22 January 2024 (23:59). 

For more information please visit Apply for funding – Vision Foundation

Grants for Digital Projects Tackling Problems in Vocational Learning

The VocTech Activate scheme supports the development of new ideas that use digital tools and approaches to transform how people in the UK gain skills for work. The scheme is described as a ‘test bed’ where the first spark of an idea which could solve a vocational learning problem can be scoped and tested in a supportive environment.

The design, development and early stage testing of novel approaches to digital vocational learning will be funded. The aim is to help take those ideas through basic prototyping to the next stage of 'seeding the market' by delivering a first proof of concept prototype and planning a route to market. 

Individual grants of between £30,000 and £60,000 will be awarded for projects lasting up to 12 months.

Applications are invited from UK-based early-stage businesses, smaller digital innovators and other organisations looking to test new digital approaches on a small scale. Charities, trade bodies, existing learning providers, and employers who would like to test new approaches to using digital technology for vocational learning, may also apply.

The deadline for applications is 31 January 2024.

For more information, please visit Ufi VocTech Activate grant fund 2024 | Ufi VocTech Trust

From Idea to Impact: UnLtd Offers Funding and Support for Social Ventures

Funding and specialist support are available for UK social entrepreneurs to help them develop as social leaders, and to start up or grow their idea for a social venture.

UnLtd is inviting applications from social entrepreneurs aged 16 and over who are living in the UK and who are the founder of the social business. Depending on the stage of development, UnLtd can offer:

  • Funding of up to £8,000 for entrepreneurs who are starting up their venture.

  • Funding of up to £18,000 for entrepreneurs who are scaling up their venture.

To be eligible, the social entrepreneur must:

  • Have identified a social issue and developed a business model that works to solve it.

  • Be committed to, and have a track record of, delivering local, regional or national social impact at scale.

  • Be experienced, ambitious and capable of growing their venture.

  • Have a realistic growth plan.

  • Be committed to working full-time in their social venture.

Their social venture must:

  • Be at least one year old and less than four years old.

  • Have a turnover of less than £250,000 in their last financial year.

  • Be dynamic and ready to grow to local, regional or national scale and have a logical and appropriate plan to deliver this.

  • Have a compelling performance to date and/or a logical and appropriate plan for rapid growth to reach local, regional or national scale.

  • Not solely exist to secure investment in the year ahead.

  • Target beneficiaries predominantly based in the UK.

Together with funding, programme particpants receive expert advice and mentoring through a community of business professionals, corporate partners and social entrepreneurs.

The deadline for applications is 31 March 2024.

For more information please visit UnLtd - Awards | Funding and support to grow your impact |

Applications invited for Assets Recovery Community Scheme (ARCS) funding to prevent crime in communities

The Assets Recovery Community Scheme (ARCS) funding is aimed at preventing crime and/or reducing the fear of crime.  The scheme is open to voluntary and community sector organisations; registered charities; and statutory bodies delivering projects in community settings in Northern Ireland.

Richard Pengelly CB, Permanent Secretary at the Department of Justice said: “ARCS seeks to re-invest funding which has been confiscated from criminals, and direct it towards projects that prevent crime and/or reduce the fear of crime. 

“The Organised Crime Task Force (OCTF) partners continue to use asset recovery powers to deprive criminals of their ill-gotten gains, removing profits that fund crime and helping break the cycle of criminal activity.  This sends a clear signal that crime does not pay.”

ARCS allows monies received from the payment of confiscation orders, following a conviction, to fund community projects across Northern Ireland.  Through this, communities and individuals are supported, addressing some of the harmful impacts from a wide range of crimes.

The scheme will run for three years and applications are invited from organisations that will run projects during all or part of that period.

Projects can bid for money in each or any of the three years and should demonstrate how their proposals would meet the essential ARCS criteria of preventing crime and/or reducing the fear of crime and how the project would directly benefit victims; communities; or the environment.   

The application form and guidance notes can be found on the Department’s website at Assets Recovery Community Scheme 2024/27 Guidance notes and application form | Department of Justice (

The closing date for applications is Wednesday 31st January at 5pm.

TAK£500+ Your Community, Your Voice, Your Choice!

What is TAK£500?

Tak£500+ is a Participatory Budgeting process which means that local people get to decide how public funds are used to address needs in their area. Community Planning Partners have pooled their resources to fund community projects.

Communities can apply for up to £1000 for a project they think will benefit their area – and best of all, it is the local residents who decide which projects should go ahead!


The fund is open to everyone from

  • Both constituted groups and non-constituted groups can apply for funding.

  • There must be a minimum of three people per group.

  • Each group can apply for one project per area (Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon).

  • Children and young people aged eight and above can also form a group and apply for funding. If you are under 18, you will need an Adult Sponsor to support your application and to help develop and deliver your idea. You will also need a parent or guardian to sign your application form (More details on this below).

  • If your group is not constituted, you will need to be sponsored by a constituted group or organisation.

  • A maximum of two applications can be received from groups from any one organisation or umbrella group e.g., if a Local Sports Club has Junior or Senior Groups or a Primary or Secondary School has multiple year groupings. If we receive more than three applications, we will contact you and ask you to choose which applications you want to be considered.


You can apply for up to £1000 to pay for things such as online activities, equipment, events, tutors, venue hire, transport for trips and other innovative ideas. *

All ideas must be based around the ‘Take 5 Ways of Wellbeing’. These are five simple steps to help maintain and improve your wellbeing on a daily basis;


With the people around you, family, friends, colleagues and neighbours and spend time developing them. Building these connections will support and enrich you every day.


Go for a walk or run, cycle, play a game, garden or dance – even a short 10-minute walk can improve mental alertness and wellbeing.


Of the world around you, how you are feeling, what matters to you and reflect on your experiences.


Don’t be afraid to try something new, rediscover an old hobby or sign up for a course. Learning new things will make you more confident, as well as being fun.


Do something nice for a friend or stranger, thank someone, smile, volunteer your time or consider joining a community group.

A PB Working Group of Community planning partners will review your ideas against the following criteria

  • Safe

  • Legal

  • Feasible within budget and timeframe

  • Will benefit people in the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough

  • In line with one or more of the Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing and in line with the overall ethos of Take 5.

Unfortunately, there are things we can’t fund such as personal payments, alcohol, political activities and things you are already funded to deliver. If you are unsure, please contact us.

Applications open on Monday 4 December 2023 for six weeks and will close at midnight on Thursday 18 January 2024 - for more information and to apply, please visit TAK£500+ - YOUR COMMUNITY, YOUR SAY, YOUR WAY! - Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council (

Community Funding for Christian Charities and Organisations Across the UK and Ireland

Benefact Trust is offering grants for Christian organisations across the UK and Ireland to deliver a range of projects and activities that will make a positive and transformative impact in lives and communities.  

Through the Community Impact Grants Programme, funding is available for projects that fall under the following programme areas:

  • Growing congregations and Christian communities.

  • Addressing social challenges facing communities.

  • Enabling wider community use of church buildings. 

  • Empowering Christian Education.

Multi-year grants covering up to three years are available. 

Funding can be used to cover direct capital and revenue costs that are directly related to the proposed project.

Applications can be submitted at any time. For more information, please visit New - Community Impact Grants | Benefact Trust

Forestry Commission Launches £2.5m Tree Production Capital Grant

The Tree Production Capital Grant provides funding to help tree nurseries and suppliers invest in projects which improve, expand, automate or mechanise their operations. This will help improve the quantity, quality, diversity, and biosecurity of domestic tree supply.

The scheme is looking to support projects with outputs that will better equip nurseries to supply the trees required for new woodlands and urban planting projects.

Up to £2.5 million of funding is available, subject to sufficient high-quality bids being received. Successful projects will be awarded up to £175,000 in grant funding to cover up to 50% of costs. Projects must have a minimum total cost of £10,000 to be eligible.

Funding is available for the 2024-2025 financial year only.

The grant is open to tree seed and sapling suppliers of all sizes, as well as new entrants looking to diversify into the sector. Eligible organisations include private sector nurseries and seed suppliers, public sector organisations, environmental NGOs, and community tree nurseries. Applicants must be UK-based and will need to demonstrate how the grant will be used to increase English tree seed or sapling supply.

The deadline for applications is 30 January 2024 (23:55).

For more information, please visit Tree Production Capital Grant - GOV.UK (

Crighshane and Churchill Community Benefit Fund

This local community benefit fund was originally set up by Energia Renewables, and has now been taken over by Greencoat Capital.

The fund has been established to ensure that the Crighshane and Church Hill wind farms, whilst having obvious environmental benefits, also provide significant social and economic benefits to the local community.

Funding is available to local community projects that are planned and run for the benefit of the local population and are within 6km of the Wind Farms.

 Crighshane-Church Hill  Map

The fund will support projects addressing issues within the following theme areas:

  • Energy efficiency and sustainability

  • Social, cultural or sporting benefit for the local community

  • Educational issues with a sustainability angle

  • Environmental benefit or economic benefit

Examples of who can apply:

  • Constituted voluntary organisations and community groups

  • Local youth groups

Funding available:

  • Grants from £1,000 to £5,000

Closing date for applications is 12th January 2024 at 1pm. For more information and to apply, please visit Crighshane and Churchill Community Benefit Fund - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (

The Telecommunity Fund

Priority will be given to applications from small groups, typically with an annual income of less than £200,000, as evidenced in most recent set of accounts

  • Projects must aim to directly support one of the following specific groups:

    • Young people

    • Older people

    • People with disabilities

  • The Fund will not support projects targeting all ages.

  • Priority will be given to projects that will benefit groups dealing with disadvantage (e.g. rural isolation, low income, social exclusion, reduced access to services), and projects that involve the beneficiaries in their development and delivery.

  • In the event of oversubscription, priority will be given to lower income organisations

Examples of types of projects that may be supported within Fund themes:

  • Community education and training opportunities

  • Communication and leadership skills

  • Local initiatives to improve resources and community facilities

  • Creativity and self-expression through drama, music or a range of arts activities

  • Inclusion and involvement of disadvantaged communities

  • Out of school projects for young people

The Foundation will not fund organisations or activities which promote causes that are contrary to our purposes. Causes and activities that are contrary to our purposes include, but may not be limited to, those outlined in our investment policy. We will not therefore fund organisations or activities which we determine are linked to the promotion of armaments, alcohol, human rights abuses, tobacco or pornography.

The fund will also not support organisations who advance religion, including those who have purposes within their governance to advance religion, or who seek financial support for any projects aimed at advancing a particular religion.

Telecommunity Fund Application Guidance Top tips 

Pre application: 

  • Read the guidance notes and ensure you are eligible to apply and your project meets the funding criteria 

  • Talk to the Grants Team – to confirm eligibility and iron out any queries you may have 

  • Think about the long term value of your project. The fund does not prioritise one off trips, or very short term projects. Ensure what you are applying for you would like to apply for is eligible 

  • Have your supporting documentation ready to upload (in one file rather than separate pages, per document) as part of your application, before the final closing date 

During application: 

  • Check your budgets and ensure you can deliver on spend and project targets 

  • Keep answers concise and accurate, there is no need to go above 300 – 500 words 

  • Tell us about the project you are requesting funding for and clearly show the need, and link the identified need with the fund criteria 

  • Complete all questions on the application form accurately, e.g. committee details 

  • Submit the required documents as per the guidance notes, e.g. governing document 

Post application: 

  • Keep a record of your application 

  • If you are unsuccessful, ask for feedback to help improve your chances of success for future projects 

  • If successful, ensure that you spend the money as agreed in your letter of offer and keep any receipts that you may have, and evidence of the numbers attending, and evaluations for events. This will help you complete your end of grant form when your project is complete 

  • Ensure you complete your end of grant monitoring form on time. If you are having any problems with your project, in particular spend, please contact the Grants Team as soon as you can to discuss 

  • Take photographs and ask those who participated in your project for quotations. This will help show the real value and impact that your project has had 

  • And finally, use the learning to think about how you might be able to develop the project further. Think about what other funds you might apply for, to further develop the project. 

Talk to the Grants Team for advice! 

Examples of previously funded projects: 

  • A 6 week programme of music therapy for children with autism. 

  • A creative arts and crafts programme for older people. 

  • The provision of an afterschool homework club in conjunction with a youth club. 

  • A 12 month drama therapy programme for adults with learning disabilities. 

  • A six week youth programme to design and produce outside art in the playground. 

This round of the Telecommunity Fund will close for applications at 1:00pm on Tuesday 30 January 2024 .

It is recommended that you read our Grant FAQs before starting your grant application. Should you have any further questions please contact the Grants Team on 028 9024 5927.

For more information, please visit The Telecommunity Fund - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (

2024/25 Central Good Relations Fund

 2024/25 Central Good Relations Fund 

Open for online applications from Monday 11 December 2023 at 4pm  

The 2024/25 Central Good Relations Fund (CGRF) will open for applications on Monday 11th December 2023 at 4pm, for groups who wish to apply online for a project funding grant (for projects over £1,500).

Applications must be submitted online by:

Monday 22 January 2024 at 4:00pm

To access the online application portal, you must first register your organisation. However, if you have previously registered, you do not need to register again. Please follow the link below and enter your username and password in the ‘Local Account Login’ section to log in to the application portal.

Already Registered? Login to apply for a 2024/25 CGRF grant

If you have not already registered, please use the link below to register your organisation. Please note, you must register your organisation by 4.00pm on Friday 19 January 2024 to enable access to the online application portal. Any registrations submitted after that time will not be accepted.

Register to be able to apply for a 2024/25 CGRF grant

You should read the 2024/25 CGRF Guidance notes which include a step-by-step guide to registration and a step-by-step guide to the application form before you start.


To register (if you have not already done so), you will need:

  • Your contact information;

  • Details of your organisation, including address and organisation type; and

  • A copy of your organisation’s constitution (WORD or PDF).

Online Application

To apply online you will need:

  • Your online sign in details (username and password);

  • Details of your proposed project including proposed activities and costings; and

  • Copies of job descriptions, if applicable (for any salary(s) being claimed).

Got questions?

Contact our team using the e-mail below:

T:BUC Online Funding Forums

2024/25 Central Good Relations Fund

The 2024/25 Central Good Relations Fund will open for applications on the 11 December 2023 at 4pm. To help groups apply for funding, the Executive Office will be hosting two ‘CGRF Online Funding Forums’ via MS Teams.

The forums will take place on: -

  • Thursday 14 December 2023 @ 10.30am

  • Friday 15 December 2023 @ 10.30am

The online forums will be a great way to find out more about the CGRF fund, and advice and guidance will be offered in relation to projects that could be delivered, the application form, and how to apply etc.

The online forums will last approximately 1hr and will also include a Q&A session where attendees can put specific questions to the panel.

If you have a question/query that you would like the CGRF team to address on the day, please e-mail by Wednesday 13 December 2023. You will also be able to submit questions to the panel during the online forum.

Registration for groups to attend the online forums will take place via Eventbrite, where you will be able to choose which forum you would like to attend. Registration for these events will close on Wednesday 13th December at 3.00pm.

Further information including how to register to attend is available at:

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council will open its 2024/25 Grant Funding Programme for applications this December

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council will open its 2024/25 Grant Funding Programme for applications this December.

Funding roadshows will be held in December for any eligible organisations or groups who wish to apply to any of the programmes and would like to find out further information or require assistance.

These virtual roadshows will take place via Zoom and there will be a live presentation on the 10 grants available on the following dates:

  • Monday 4th December 2023 @ 7pm

  • Tuesday 5th December 2023 @ 2pm

To take part in any of the above roadshows, please email the Funding Unit on detailing what session you would like to take part in or call 028 70347198.

Details on each of the Grant Funding Programmes can be found via the online funding hub which are available on Council’s website:-


Ageism Action Day

Centre for Ageing Better has announced this new Ageism Action Day which is a chance for everyone to do something to change the narrative about ageing. It’s an annual day for individuals and communities, workplaces, friends and families to learn, take action and improve lives. The Action Day is on 20th March 2024, and will happen every year around the same time.

How much is available?

Grants of up to £500 are available, with an additional up to £150 to cover anything needed to make the event or activity more accessible. The lower limit for applications is £75. 

What can the micro-grant cover?

Groups can choose to mark the day as they would like, using the theme “see and be seen” as inspiration, which is all about improving the way ageing is represented in society and challenging negative portrayals and associations. It could be supporting art exhibitions, poetry competitions, fashion shows, film viewings, events which bring generations together, sharing stories of ageing or creating opportunities to discuss ageism at a coffee morning or pub quiz. The options are endless! 

What is the deadline?

The deadline for applications is 10th January 2024 but we may have to close early if we receive a high level of demand so we encourage you to submit as early as possible. 

Drop in sessions and questions

We encourage everyone interested in making an application to join an online information session on Friday 8th December between 10am and 11am or Thursday 14 December between 1pm and 2pm.  Alternatively, you can email with your specific questions and we will aim to respond.

For more information or to apply click:


MSE Charity Announces Funding Theme for January 2024 Round

A small number of grants for not-for-profit organisations in the UK for projects that relate to the delivery of financial skills to different defined groups.

Money Saving Expert (MSE) Charity has announced the theme for its January 2024 grant round is 'Living with Long Term Challenges'.

This grant round will offer grants of up to £8,000 to support projects focused on improving and delivering personal financial life skills to people living with Long Term Challenges, such as:

  • Dementia

  • Autism

  • Learning Difficulties

  • Disabilities

  • Caring Responsibilities

  • Mental illness

  • Brain injury / stroke

Small to medium-sized non-profit organisations with a constitution can apply, including UK registered charities, community interest companies, social enterprises and credit unions. To be eligible, applicants must be based in the UK, looking for funding for UK based activities, have an annual income of less than £750,000 and unrestricted reserves that are less than six months of their running costs.

Applications are usually invited twice a year: in winter and autumn.

Please note that each grant round is limited to the first 40 accepted applications. Previous rounds have closed within a couple of weeks of opening.

Applications are expected to open on 15 January 2024 and close on 16 February 2024.

For more information, please visit Home (

Funding opportunities available to assist local communities and artists

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is offering over £268k of funding to assist local community groups and artists in 2024/25.

Several grants are now open for applications:

  • Community Support Grant

  • Community Festivals Fund

  • Community Development Bursary Award

  • Arts Organisations Grants

  • Individual Artists Grants

  • Making Art in Communities

  • Young Artist of the Year

  • John Hewitt International Summer School Residency Award

  • Tyrone Guthrie Centre Bursary

These can be applied for online before 12 noon on Friday 15th December 2023.

Councillor Thomas Beckett, Communities and Wellbeing Chairman, said: “We welcome opportunities to invest in and support our communities and arts.  It is hoped the early opening of these grants will help local groups, organisations and individuals plan their projects next year. 

“We welcome applications that help to enhance our communities, improve community relations, reduce social isolation, promote integration or strengthen the sense of community at a grassroots level.

“Through arts grants and bursaries we can ensure arts and culture remain at the core the Lisburn and Castlereagh area.  We want to offer chances for lasting, memorable and unique community-based projects to be created.”

Those interested in applying for a grant scheme are invited to attend an information workshop. Please book in advance using the contact details below. The workshop dates and times are:

  • Tuesday 28 November at 7pm in Bridge Community Centre, Lisburn

  • Thursday 30 November via zoom at 7pm

  • Wednesday 6 December at 7pm in Moneyreagh Community Centre

Secure your place by emailing

Applications are online using the following links:

Community Support Grant
Community Festivals Fund
Community Development Bursary Award
Arts grants and bursaries

The Good Relations Awards 2024 are open for nominations

The Awards spotlight the vital role that Good Relations plays in delivering peacebuilding and community cohesion throughout Northern Ireland.

The Good Relations Awards are run annually by the Community Relations Council in partnership with The Executive Office (TEO).

You can help us recognise this exceptional commitment to good relations by the people who strive to make our communities better for all.


This year there are five Award categories:

  • The Community Relations Council Exceptional Achievement Award;

  • Good Relations Volunteer of the Year Award;

  • Good Relations Community Champion Award;

  • Good Relations Youth Award (Under 25)

  • Good Relations Connecting Communities Project of the Year Award.


The Awards are delivered with support from these organisations: Volunteer Now; NICVA; NI Youth Forum, and Community Foundation for Northern Ireland.

If you know someone in Northern Ireland deserving of recognition – nominate them now for the Good Relations Awards 2024.

Closing date: Tuesday 19 December 2023 at 12 noon.

To nominate, please visit this link: Home - Good Relations Awards 2024

Community and Arts Grants open for applications

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is offering over £268k of funding to assist local community groups and artists in 2024/25.

Several grants are now open for applications - click on each of the following links for more information:
Community Support Grant

Community Festivals Fund
Community Development Bursary Award
Arts Grants and Bursaries

Deadlines are quite tight and grants must applied for online before 12 noon on Friday 15th December 2023.

Those interested in applying for a grant scheme are strongly encouraged to attend an information workshop.  The workshop dates and times are:

  • Tuesday 28 November in Bridge Community Centre, Lisburn, at 7pm

  • Thursday 30 November via zoom at 7pm

  • Wednesday 6 December in Moneyreagh Community Centre, at 7pm

Please note that an online workshop has been organised specifically for those who in the past were unable to attend information workshops.  It is strongly recommended that you attend the information workshop as this will support you in complete the form properly and help you with the monitoring forms and should you be successful. 

Please book your place at the information workshop by emailing Community Services

Nike and Spotify’s Fund to Get Girls Moving Through Music

The Make Moves Fund, a social-impact-led initiative, is provided by Nike and Spotify and administered by Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) on their behalf.

The funding is for UK-based community organisations to pioneer innovative, girl-first programmes that combine music and movement with the expectation that the mental health and wellbeing of girls aged 10 to 17 years from diverse and low socioeconomic backgrounds will be improved by moving through music.

UK registered charities and Community Interest Companies can apply for grants of up to £20,000 as long as they:

  • Have an income of at least £40,000 in the last financial year.

  • Have a bank account in the name of their organisation.

  • Are able to report demonstrable impact and progress at the end of the six month grant period.

They must also have a proven track record in at least one of the following areas:

  • Working with girls aged 10-17.

  • Delivering programmes to encourage people to be more active.

  • Working with young people to improve their mental wellbeing.

Projects need to meet the following criteria:

  • Reach girls from diverse backgrounds, aged anywhere between 10-17 (inclusive). Inclusive proposals reaching anyone who identifies as a girl are welcome.

  • Leverages the power of music to engage the least active girls in regular movement. ‘Least active’ is defined as girls who do not meet the Chief Medical Officer guidelines of taking part in sport and physical activity for an average of 60 minutes or more a day.

  • Are creative, innovative, and scalable by design.

  • Rooted in improving the confidence and mental wellbeing of girls.

  • Co-created with input from the girls the applicant organisation work with.

The programme must run regularly and be delivered in the UK for at least four months between 1 March and 31 August 2024.

The deadline for applications is 30 November 2023 with notification of decisions by end of January 2024. Please visit Make Moves Fund: empowering girls through music and dance. Nike UK

Funding to Support Youth-Led Social Action Across the UK

Co-op Foundation, in partnership with Co-op and the #iwill Fund, is offering grants of up to £20,000 for groups to support young activists, campaigners, disrupters, co-operates, and social entrepreneurs to lead social action to improve their communities and build upon Co-op’s vision of ‘Co-operating for a Fairer World’.

Through the Young Gamechangers Fund, a total of £600,000 is available for groups with an income of less than £250,000 that are:

  • Committed to engaging in long-term projects as part of a network of young gamechangers.

  • Focused on creating sustainable positive social change that aims to have a lasting impact on individuals and the wider community.

  • Proposing or leading social action work that has a clear purpose.

  • Rooted in the Young Gamechangers Fund priorities.

Preference will be given to groups that have previously not had access or experienced barriers to funding, groups that are led by and for marginalised communities, and groups that prioritise youth activism and shared power.

Funding can be used for specific project costs, or core and ongoing cores such as salaries, overheads, or other activities that support the group’s work.

There is a two-stage application process. Groups must submit an online eligibility test before being invited to complete a full application.

The deadline for applications is 19 December 2023 (noon). 

For more information please visit £4.5m Young Gamechangers Fund - Co-op Foundation (