Awards for All - The National Lottery

Fund Information:

  • Funding Available: £300 to £10,000

  • Area: Northern Ireland

  • Application deadline: Ongoing


National Lottery funding can help you to make a difference in your community. They offer funding from £300 to £10,000 to support what matters to people and communities.

National Lottery funding is open to applications for community projects that meet their criteria. This includes support responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The National Lottery is looking for ideas that:

  • bring people together and build strong relationships in and across communities

  • improve the places and spaces that matter to communities

  • help more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stage

Eligible Expenditure:

  • equipment

  • one-off events

  • small land or building projects (but make sure you own the land or building, have a lease that can't be ended for five years, have a letter from the owner saying the land or building will be leased to you for at least five years, or an official letter from the owner or landlord that says you're allowed to do work on the building) - you should also think about getting planning permission for the work too

  • staff costs

  • training costs

  • transport

  • utilities/running costs

  • volunteer expenses.

How To Apply?

If you have an idea, contact the National Lottery on 028 9055 1455 or at

Visit the National Lottery website to access guidelines and online application.

Fat Beehive Foundation

Fund Information

  • Funding body: Fat Beehive Foundation

  • Maximum value: £2,500

  • Application deadline: None specified

  • Location: UK


The Fat Beehive Foundation was established by Fat Beehive Ltd, a digital agency specialising in web design, branding and related digital products for organisations committed to social good.

Objectives of Fund

The foundation seeks to support the work of smaller charities by awarding grants to help them build their online presence.

Who Can Apply?

UK registered charities with an annual income of less than £1 million may apply.

Successful applicants must agree to commence work on their project within three months of being awarded a grant.

Eligible Expenditure

The funding is to be used to build websites or digital products.

Priority projects for support include those in the following areas:

  • Environmental protection or climate change mitigation.

  • Human rights.

  • International development.

  • Equality and diversity.

  • Social justice, refugees and housing.

  • Education.

  • Art and culture.

  • Health and wellbeing.

  • Prisoner rehabilitation.

How To Apply?

Applications may be submitted at any time and will be considered at the quarterly trustees' meetings, which are normally held in January, April, July and October.

The online application form is available at the Fat Beehive Foundation website.

Applicants will need to provide at least one quote as part of the application process, which will be assessed by Fat Beehive Foundation, to ensure value for money and the realistic prospect of development.

All applications will be subject to an initial assessment to ensure they meet the basic criteria for funding.

Once completed application forms are received, the foundation will consider them at the next quarterly trustee meeting. These are normally held in January, April, July and October.

Wooden Spoon Charity

Fund Information

  • Funding body: Wooden Spoon Charity

  • Maximum value: Discretionary

  • Application deadline: None specified

  • Location: UK

Objectives of Fund

Wooden Spoon's objective is to make a positive impact on the lives of disadvantaged children and young people through its commitment to quality charitable work throughout the UK.

Value Notes

There is neither a minimum nor maximum grant level. However, it is unlikely that a project of a physical nature that is under £5,000 will have sufficient substance and scale to qualify.

Applicants should note that given the pandemic situation, the amount of available funding has been reduced.

Match Funding Restrictions

Applicants are encouraged to contribute a percentage of the funds required.

Who Can Apply?

Organisations and charities in the UK are eligible to apply.

Wooden Spoon can only make grants to organisations with legal status. For example, schools, charities, and private members clubs.

Applications from groups working in partnership are eligible but one organisation must take the lead for the application and be the primary beneficiary and point of contact.


Funding is not normally available for the following:

  • Computers and electronic equipment.

  • Minibus or similar vehicle projects.

  • Revenue expenditure.

  • Individuals.

  • Salaries, administration costs, professional fees and on-going overheads related to a capital project.

Eligible Expenditure

Wooden Spoon supports projects which will benefit children and young people under 25 years of age who are disadvantaged physically, mentally or socially.  Projects must normally be of a capital nature, with a reasonably long-term prospective lifetime.

The funding is for projects that address the following areas:

  • Health and wellbeing

  • Sensory rooms and gardens

  • Specialist equipment and facilities

  • Playgrounds and outdoor activities

  • Education projects

How To Apply?

With the current situation, much of Wooden Spoon’s fundraising has been put on hold and therefore the available funding for projects has been reduced.

The funder suggests as a first step groups complete the online expression of wish form for an initial assessment.

Applications may be submitted at any time and are available to download from the Wooden Spoon website.

The completed form should be returned by either email or post. Once checked against the criteria, the application form will be forwarded to the regional committee for approval. If the region agrees to support the project an inspector will undertake a site visit and report back to the Project Committee which meets monthly. Successful applications will go forward to the next quarterly Council meeting. The applicant will receive a formal grant letter if the project is approved by Council.

Useful Links

Ernest Cook Trust - Outdoor Essentials Grant

Fund Information

  • Funding body: The Ernest Cook Trust

  • Maximum value: £500

  • Application deadline: None specified

  • Location: UK

Objectives of Fund

The COVID pandemic has demonstrated how important being outdoors is to the mental and physical well-being of everyone. It has also highlighted inequalities in people’s abilities to access the outdoors. Research commissioned by The Ernest Cook Trust has identified that transport costs are a key barrier for schools to access Outdoor Learning.

The current round of funding is for grants to be used for:

  • Transport & Travel costs to Outdoor Learning venues.

  • Nature & Nurture projects to create areas where young people can connect with nature within school grounds or within the local community.

Who Can Apply?

Applications are accepted from UK state-funded Primary and Secondary schools. This includes:

  • Any UK state-funded Ofsted Registered Primary, Middle, Secondary or High school

  • Any UK state-funded Special or Alternative Provision School

  • Multi-Academy Trusts, but applications must be made by the individual schools.

Priority will be given to:

  • Schools that are committed to enabling Outdoor Learning and see environmental engagement as an important part of education.

  • Schools who can demonstrate that Outdoor Learning has a wider benefit to families and their local community.

  • Schools with disadvantaged pupils.

  • Schools that are located in areas of high deprivation and/or have pupils who are living in challenging circumstances.

How To Apply?

This grant opportunity is currently open to applications.

The online application form is available to complete on the Trust's website.

Family Fund - Urgently seeking applications from families in NI!


Families living on low incomes in Northern Ireland with disabled or seriously ill children or young people aged 17 and under are urged to apply for urgent grant support for essential items, to see them through these final winter months.

The Minister of Health in Northern Ireland, Robin Swann MLA, has provided the Family Fund with £500,000 of additional funding to support approximately 1000 more families facing challenging fuel and energy costs, post-pandemic financial and wider pressures and disproportionate extra costs associated with raising a disabled or seriously ill child or young person.

This extra grant support will provide families with essential items, including children’s clothing; white goods such as a cooker, fridge, or freezer; sensory or specialist play equipment or technology for children and young people, and assistance with much-needed family breaks.

Over 80% of families with disabled children in Northern Ireland, who responded to a recent survey by Family Fund, reported being financially worse-off, compared to before the pandemic.

Families are asked to apply for a Family Fund grant before the start of March, by visiting Grants: Northern Ireland HERE

Sports Development Healthy Towns Programme

Are you interested in working in partnership to deliver sporting or physical activity programmes to your community?

This could range from…

  • Couch to 5k

  • Walking Group

  • Sports club

    … or something else that will get your community more active, more often!

About the Fund:

Derry City and Strabane Council Sports Development would like to support you through their Healthy Towns Programme. The programme funded by the Public Health Agency is looking to support sports clubs and community organisations to deliver physical activity and healthy living programmes.

Eligible Expenditure

By working in partnership, Derry City and Strabane Council Sports Development can provide support in 3 main categories up to a maximum value of £1000.

  • Coaching

  • Facility Hire

  • Equipment

How to Apply?

Visit the Derry City and Strabane Council website for more details.

Derry City and Strabane Council can offer advice on planning and delivering your activities.

If your club /group download the guidance notes and expression of interest form and return to Ryan Porter –

Police Property Fund Grant Schemes

The Police Property Fund Small Grants Scheme 2nd Call opens on the 17th of February for eligible projects grants of between £1000 and £10,000.

What is the Fund?

The Police Property Fund is made up of assets recovered by the PSNI as a result of criminal investigations, and administered by the Board in line with the Police (Property) Regulations NI 1997. 

Is my project eligible?

Applications for funding will need to demonstrate that the project:

  • Engages with local police;

  • Contributes to building community safety and/or confidence in the police in your area; and

  • Is aligned to a charitable purpose.

How to apply?

You can apply online by visiting the Police Property Fund website.

Home Instead Charities

Fund Information

  • Funding body: Home Instead Charities

  • Maximum value: £1,500

  • Application deadline: None specified

  • Location: UK


Home Instead Charities provide grants to local grassroots organisations and charities in the UK for wellbeing activities and projects that further the needs of people over 55 years old to prevent social isolation and loneliness.

Objectives of Fund

The aim of the grants scheme is to support small local community groups that are addressing social isolation and loneliness in the over 55s.

Value Notes

Small grassroots organisations can apply for up to £500.

Small local registered charities can apply for up to £1,500. Larger grants can be considered for exceptional projects.

The charity will only fully fund a grant request where the organisation holds no more than three months operating costs in reserve. For organisations that have more than this, up to 50% of the project costs will be funded.

Match Funding Restrictions

Match funding of up to 50% of project costs is required for organisations that have more than three months of operating costs in reserve.

Who Can Apply?

Applications are accepted from small community groups and charities in the UK.

Priority will be given to applications that have a connection to, and are championed by, a local Home Instead office.

Groups applying must have a bank account in the same name of the group.


Funding cannot be used for:

  • Salaries

  • Core/running costs

  • Capital and/or revenue projects

  • Set up costs

Eligible Expenditure

Grants are for wellbeing activities and projects that benefit people aged over 55 and reduce social isolation and/or loneliness.

Funding can be used for:

  • Regular weekly or monthly events and activities such as weekly cinema club, weekly knit and natter or Thursday lunch club.

  • One off activities such as a day trip or a Christmas lunch.

  • Activities such as yoga or a guest speaker for your group such as a local historian.

How To Apply

Applications can be made at any time and can take up to three months to process.

Applicants should complete the online form on the Home Instead Charities website

Barclays Community Football Fund

Fund Information

  • Funding body: Sported

  • Maximum value: £500

  • Application deadline: None specified

  • Location: UK

About the Fund:

The aim of the fund is to make playing football more accessible at the grassroots level, and in particular focused on including and inspiring girls and young people from lower socio-economic and under-represented groups, including culturally diverse communities, young people with disabilities, and young people from the LGBTQ+ community.

Value Notes

  • Grants of £500 are available.

  • The funding will ideally be spent within a six-month period.

Who Can Apply?

Not-for-profit organisations including community groups, youth groups and traditional football clubs can apply.

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Deliver football activities to young people (aged 8 years+) OR are wanting to start.

  • Already include an offering for girls OR are wanting to start.

  • Have the aspiration and capacity to grow their membership of young people from under-represented groups. This includes girls, young people with disabilities, from culturally diverse communities and from the LGBTQ+ community.

  • Be keen to access training to learn about how to engage with new under-represented audiences.

  • Have a constitution or articles of association.

  • Have a bank account in the name of their organisation.

  • Have a Safeguarding policy (updated within the last two years).

  • Have a health and safety policy and any relevant risk assessments.

  • Have up to date and relevant insurance.

Eligible Expenditure

The funding can be used for anything that will support project delivery.

Typical examples of costs might include a contribution towards:

  • Venue hire

  • Coaching costs

  • Volunteer expenses

  • Equipment

  • Kit

  • Marketing and communications

  • Training and qualifications

  • Insurances and affiliation

The funding should support engaging under-represented young people, particularly girls, and get them involved in football activities.

How To Apply?

There are no deadlines. Applications can be made at any time from January 2022 to December 2024.

The FAQs, application guidance, and online application form can be found on the Sported website.

Jordan Sinnott Foundation Trust

Fund Information

  • Funding body: Jordan Sinnott Foundation Trust

  • Maximum value: £5,000

  • Application Deadline: None specified

  • Location: UK


The Jordan Sinnott Foundation Trust provides grants to clubs, community groups and teams to support vulnerable and underprivileged children and young adults aged 5-21 years to access healthy recreation and sport so they can develop their capabilities and achieve their potential.

Objectives of Fund

The aim of the grants is to encourage vulnerable and underprivileged children and young adults to get active and enjoy taking part in sports.

Value Notes

The following grants are available:

  • Individual grants of up to £2,000.

  • Clubs/groups or teams - grants of up to £5,000.

Who Can Apply?

Applications are accepted from clubs, community groups and teams in the UK.

The Trust prioritises applications that are for those that are vulnerable, underprivileged, especially those challenged by abuse; addiction; those who are young carers; those who find themselves in transition and those without a place to call home.

Eligible Expenditure

Grants are to enable organisations to build capacity; achieve sustainability; increase their reach and support and develop their vision.

Grants can be used for the following:

  • Purchasing sports equipment, kit and gear.

  • Transport costs.

  • Club membership.

  • Sports specific coaching education/training.

This list is not exhaustive.

How to Apply?

Applications can be made at any time and are reviewed on a rolling basis.

An application form is available from the Trust's website.

Contact the Jordan Sinnott Foundation Trust for further information.

Addresses and contacts

For further information on how to obtain this grant locally, please contact the following:
Jordan Sinnott Foundation Trust
PO Box 366
BD18 9FP

Halifax Foundation - Community Grants Programme

The Community Grants Programme can support the day-to-day activities of a charity and new/existing projects. However, this fund can also support charities to REACT to Covid-19, PREPARE to reopen and adapt your services if required and to RESTORE and RENEW in order to deliver what may be for many, a new way of life.

The average grant for the year 2020 = £3,925. Halifax may not be in a position to offer you all that you need, however they will discuss viability with you.

Grants are only open to charities operating in Northern Ireland. Please do not apply if you are serving another region of the UK or beyond. 

Charitable Status

The following groups may apply:

  • Charities registered with the Charity Commission

  • Charities 'deemed' on CCNI's combined list

  • 'Non-deemed' on CCNI's combined list, provided they can supply their HMRC letter confirming charitable status.

The Halifax Foundation strongly encourages all applicants and grantees to complete their Annual Monitoring Return and submit it to Charity Commission for Northern Ireland Charity Commission NI will not be sending out reminders to charities to submit their returns due to the Court of Appeal ruling.

However, in order to obtain funding from Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland, it is a requirement that your paperwork is up to date with CCNI. Please ensure you file your returns as normal and on time.   

For further information, please visit the CCNI website

How to apply?



More information:

Should you have any further queries, or would like to arrange a pre-application call, please email us at

Hedley Foundation

The Hedley Foundation is an endowed grant-giving charitable foundation that supports small to medium-sized UK registered charities operating across the spectrum of social needs. Grants from £250 - £5,000 plus.

The Trustees seek to help and improve the quality of life of people in the UK, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. This is achieved by making grants, within budget, to registered charities for the benefit of young people, disabled people, elderly people, the terminally ill and otherwise disadvantaged people, and their carers. 


  • You are a small- to mid-size UK registered charity

  • Your application is not for salaries, building construction, general running costs, transport, financial deficits, or overseas projects

  • Your application is not on behalf of a church, museum, an individual, or an exclusive group of people

  • You have not received a previous grant from The Foundation within the last 18 months.

Who do they support?

Social welfare lies at the heart of The Hedley Foundation’s activities. In the last 12 months, The Foundation made grants to 250 small charities and received 800 applications. The following categories of funding are supported by The Foundation:

  • Youth Support

  • Disabled Support

  • Supporting the Elderly and Terminally Ill

  • Miscellaneous Support


Grants cannot be made directly to individuals. Applicants must be UK-registered charities. They also do not support large or national appeals, core funding, salaries, or running costs.

The Foundation is unable to assist:

  • Churches, Cathedrals and Museums

  • Exclusive charities (which only help people from specific groupings)

  • Appeals for general funding, salary, deficit, core revenue or transport funding

  • Appeals for building works or refurbishment projects

How to apply?

Download the application form on the website and post with any supporting documentation (including audited accounts) to:

Lucy James

Appeals Secretary

The Hedley Foundation

1-3 College Hill

London EC4R 2RA


The Trustees meet four times per year to review grant applications which should be received at least 28 days before the review meeting. The forthcoming meetings are as follows:

  • 28 October 2020

  • 27 January 2021

  • 28 April 2021

  • 28 July 2021

  • 27 October 2021

Whitemountain Programme

The Whitemountain Programme provides grant funding for community and biodiversity projects

Grants between £3,000 to £10,000 are available for projects making a positive impact at ground level, either developing facilities for community use or encouraging biodiversity and environmental improvements.

Please note that the Main Grant strand is no longer available. From now onwards, only grants between £3,000 to £10,000 will be available.

Eligibility area

If you have a great community or biodiversity-focused project which lies within the 15-mile radius of the Mullaghglass landfill site near Lisburn (and within 10 miles of a licensed landfill site), then why not apply?

Guidelines and eligibility

Deadlines for applications 2022

  • Friday 28th January

  • Friday 29th April

  • Friday 22nd July

  • Friday 21st October

Please note that the deadline will be 12 noon on the dates above. 

Application form

Please do not submit application forms from 2019 or 2020. The forms from now onwards are submitted online.

Latest news Whitemountain Programme

For more information please contact:


Find out more in the Grants Resources page

Allen Lane Foundation

Grants are available to small registered charities, voluntary groups and charitable organisations in the UK for work that makes a difference to people's lives as opposed to simply alleviating the symptoms or current problems and should aim to reduce isolation, stigma and discrimination.

Fund Information

  • Funding body: Allen Lane Foundation

  • Maximum value: £15,000

  • Application deadline: None specified

Objectives of Fund

The Foundation makes grants to voluntary not-for-profit organisations in the UK for work which benefits groups of people who are under-represented in UK society. 

Overall, the Foundation wishes to fund work which:

  • Will make a lasting difference to people's lives rather than simply alleviating the symptoms or current problems.

  • Is aimed at reducing isolation, stigma and discrimination.

  • Encourages or enables unpopular groups to share in the life of the whole community.

Value Notes

  • The Foundation typically makes around 150 grants in a year with a total value of between £750,000 and £800,000.

  • The Foundation makes single grants, or grants split over two or three years.

  • One-off grants of between £500 and £15,000 are available. The average grant is between £5,000 and £6,000.

  • Grants repeated for more than one year vary from around £500 per annum up to £5,000 per annum, for a maximum of three years. 

Who Can Apply?

Small registered charities, voluntary groups and charitable organisations in the UK can apply.

Registered charities are eligible to apply as well as other organisations which are not charities, but which seek funding for a charitable project. This could include, for example, constituted voluntary groups or Community Interest Companies

Eligible Expenditure

The Foundation aims to help organisations to become sustainable. The funding will support running and core costs to enable them to have flexibility, security and longevity.

The funding is for work that takes place within the UK.

To be eligible, the work must directly benefit adults from the following groups or generalist work which includes significant numbers from more than one such group:

  • Asylum seekers and refugees (but not groups working with a single nationality).

  • Gypsies and Travellers.

  • Migrant communities.

  • Offenders and ex-offenders.

  • Older people.

  • People experiencing mental health problems.

  • People experiencing violence or abuse

The following types of activities are eligible for support:

  • Provision of advice or information.

  • Advocacy.

  • Arts activities where the primary purpose is therapeutic or social.

  • Befriending or mentoring.

  • Mediation or conflict resolution.

  • Practical work, such as gardening or recycling, which benefits both the provider and the recipient.

  • Self-help groups.

  • Social activities or drop-in centres.

  • Strengthening the rights of particular groups and enabling their views and experiences to be heard by policy-makers.

  • Research and education aimed at changing public attitudes or policy.

  • Work aimed at combating stigma or discrimination.

  • Work developing practical alternatives to violence

Grants may be used for start-up, core or project costs, for example:

  • Volunteers' or participants' expenses.

  • Venue hire.

  • Part-time or sessional staffing costs.

  • Work aimed at strengthening the organisation such as trustee or staff training.

The Foundation is particularly interested in unusual, imaginative or pioneering projects which have perhaps not yet caught the public imagination.


United Kingdom (but not for work within Greater London)

How To Apply?

Applications can be made at any time and are considered three times a year, generally in February, June and October. Processing an application and making a grant usually takes between two and six months. Groups should apply as soon as they are ready as applications are processed ‘all the time’.

Applications received from mid August 2021 until the beginning of December will be considered in the round leading up to the February 2022 meeting.

Applications to the Social Cohesion Programme are now paused until at least the summer of 2022 as the Trustees are concerned about the level of need across all of the Foundation’s main funding programmes.

The Foundation has an online application system. The first step is to go through the online eligibility quiz. Those who are eligible will be directed to the application form.

Useful documents & links

Addresses and contacts

For further information on how to obtain this grant locally, please contact the following:

Gill Aconley
Grants Officer
Allen Lane Foundation
90 The Mount
YO24 1AR
Tel: 01904 613223
Fax: 01904 613133

Tim Cutts
Executive Secretary
Allen Lane Foundation
90 The Mount
YO24 1AR
Tel: 01904 613223

Tesco Community Grants

Tesco Community Grants support thousands of local community projects and good causes across the UK.

The scheme is open to all registered charities and not-for-profit organisations, with priority given to projects that provide food and support to young people.

Examples of eligible applications with a focus on food security, children, and young people could be:

  • A local school needing support to buy food for a children’s breakfast club,

  • A voluntary organisation working with families to run a food bank,

  • A charity supporting young people with specialist advice to manage mental health,

  • A brownie or scout group needing new camping equipment,

  • Kitchen equipment for a youth project to set up a holiday club,

  • Supporting a community centre wanting to put on a Christmas lunch or Meals on Wheels service,

  • A healthy eating project that supports families to cook healthy meals on a budget.

If you are a Tesco customer or colleague, you can also nominate a cause that you’d like to see supported and we’ll contact them to encourage them to apply.

Tesco colleagues in each store will help select those needing a little help in your local area and when our customers are given a blue token, in any of our Tesco stores at the checkout, they can vote for their favourite charity to receive a grant.

For more information, visit the Tesco website

Garfield Weston Foundation

Grants are available to charitable organisations in the UK for a wide range of projects in the areas of welfare, youth, community, arts, faith, environment, education, health, and museums and heritage.

Fund Information

Funding body: Garfield Weston Foundation

Maximum value: Discretionary

Application deadline: None specified

Objectives of Fund

The Foundation awards grants for capital, project and revenue costs to UK registered charities working within the UK in the areas of Welfare, Youth, Community, Arts, Faith, Environment, Education, Health and Museums & Heritage.

Value Notes

The Foundation offers two levels of funding, which can be used towards capital, revenue or project costs:

  • Regular Grants of up to £100,000.

  • Major Grants of £100,000 and above. (When awarding major grants, the Foundation typically expects the project and organisation's overall annual income to be in excess of £1 million.)

Typically grants are made for a single year; however, the Trustees may consider a multi-year request for up to three years for previously successful applicants, provided they can demonstrate that a longer-term commitment will add value to their organisation’s objectives.

Match Funding Restrictions

Match funding is required. The Foundation recommends that applicants have around half of their funding identified before applying. A grant is unlikely to be for more than around 10% of the total costs of the budget.

Who Can Apply?

The following organisations working in the areas of welfare, youth, community, arts, faith, environment, education, health, and museums and heritage can apply:

  • UK registered charities working in the UK.

  • Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs).

  • Schools, universities or registered educational charities that are either exempt under Charity Commission guidelines or are registered charities.

  • Faith-based organisations that are either exempt under the Charity Commission guidelines or are registered charities.

  • Housing associations.

  • Museums and galleries.

Organisations must be based and operate within the UK.

Eligible Expenditure

The funding is for organisations working in the areas of welfare, youth, community, arts, faith, environment, education, health, and museums and heritage.

Grants can be used for capital, revenue (unrestricted core costs) or project work:

  • Capital costs - for tangible things, such as a building project, repairs, equipment etc.

  • Revenue/unrestricted core costs - towards the general running costs of the organisation. The grants are typically unrestricted and can be used towards costs such as general salaries (but not a specific position or job), rent, programme costs etc.

  • Project costs - for a very specific project or activity and would include all the costs involved in delivering the project, including staff costs and a reasonable percentage of overheads if relevant.

Projects should fall within at least one of the following categories:

  • Arts

  • Community

  • Education

  • Environment

  • Faith

  • Health

  • Museums and Heritage

  • Welfare

  • Youth


United Kingdom

How To Apply

Applications for a Regular Grant of less than £100,000 may be made at any time throughout the year and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. There are no deadlines. It takes around four months from the time an application is received to notification of a decision.

The guidelines and an online application form can be found on the Foundation's website. Groups should read the guidelines before starting the application process.

Major Grants cannot be applied for via the Foundation’s website. Instead, applicants should email a one-page summary to Grants Assistant Ciara Molloy ( outlining what they are raising funds for, the total cost and the fundraising target. They will then be given bespoke guidance on whether they are eligible. Charities applying for £100,000 or more are expected to have an annual income in excess of £1 million.

Useful documents & links

Addresses and contacts

For further information on how to obtain this grant locally, please contact the following:

Ciara Molloy
Grants administrator
Garfield Weston Foundation
Weston Centre
10 Grosvenor Street
Tel: 020 7399 6565

Building the Community-Pharmacy Partnership (BCPP) Level 2

Who can apply?

BCPP funding is open to constituted community/voluntary organisations and community pharmacies based in Northern Ireland.   Projects must be a partnership between a community/voluntary organisation and a community pharmacy. Either can be the lead applicant but both partners must be named in the application form. 

  • A constituted community/voluntary organisation is a group that may be run on a voluntary basis and is set up as an organisation with a management committee, constitution, and its own bank account. A copy of the constitution will be required with the application.

  • The community pharmacy must hold a current contract with HSCB. Qualified pharmacists not associated/affiliated to a pharmacy holding a HSCB contract are not eligible to apply.

Who is not eligible?

  • Private companies and statutory organisations.

  • Third party applicants e.g. an organisation applying as lead partner to deliver the project in a different community organisation. The community organisation itself or the pharmacy must be the lead partner.

What is funded?

  • Level 2 funding is for a grant of up to £12,000 for a project that can last up to one year.

  • A community/voluntary organisation and a community pharmacy to work in partnership to deliver a project to either one, two and in some circumstances three groups of people. Each group should have 12-15 people who participate in all sessions.

  • Projects which seek to address the social determinants of health using a community development approach.

What is not funded?

  • Health fairs

  • Projects that work with a different group of people every session

  • Projects with more than 15 people in a group

  • Projects seeking to enhance sports performance or focus only on lifestyle issues

  • Capital equipment

What are the funding criteria?

  • A concise aim and summary of the proposed project.

  • An identified community need.

  • Clear partnership working between the pharmacy, the community and the participants (co-production).

  • External community/voluntary organisations co-delivering sessions.

  • A clear plan for recruiting participants and keeping them engaged.

  • A clear vision of the difference the project will make, which is in line with BCPP outcomes.

  • A clear activity plan, including, the number of people in each group, how often they will meet and an idea of topics you hope to cover.

  • Realistic costings that relate to your overall application and activity.

  • Overall value for money regarding what the project aims to achieve.

How to apply?

Online applications and guidance notes can be downloaded by visiting the BCPP website

You can also contact a member of the BCPP Team 028 3026 4606 or

Arnold Clark - Community Fund

At this time, Arnold Clarke are only accepting applications from organisations that deal with or address the following:

  • Food banks

  • Toy banks

  • Poverty relief

  • Housing and accommodation

If your organisation does not fall into the above categories, unfortunately, you are not eligible to apply at this time.

However, we may be able to offer help in other ways. Please visit our Community page for more information.

In addition to the above categories, you must also meet the following criteria in order to be eligible to apply.

Eligibility criteria

Applications to The Arnold Clark Community Fund are only eligible if people and communities in the UK are the primary focus of the investment. Applications are also only eligible if they’re made by organisations that are incorporated in the UK.

We can accept applications from:

  • UK registered charities

  • Local community groups

  • Social enterprises

  • Community interest companies

  • Groups of organisations that are community or voluntary led

  • Charitable incorporated organisations

We cannot accept applications from:

  • Individuals

  • Sole traders

  • Organisations operating outside the UK

  • Anyone applying on behalf of an organisation

  • Organisations which generate profits for private distribution

  • Schools, nurseries, colleges (unless this immediately impacts the wider community)

The Arnold Clark Community Fund will not fund projects relating to:

  • Organisations that are asking for funding for private gain.

  • Religious activity (unless this immediately impacts the wider community)

  • Projects that benefit an individual rather than the wider community.

  • Political activities

  • Loan repayments

Victoria Homes Trust

NI-based funder which funds only registered charities in Northern Ireland.​ Aims to assist the physical, mental and spiritual development of young people under 21 years of age. The Trust's policy is to provide small grants in support of local projects which benefit children and young people.

Scheme details

The main objects of the Victoria Homes Trust are: 

  • To help and educate young people of both sexes under the age of 21;

  • To develop their physical, mental, spiritual and moral capacities so that they grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society and that there conditions of life may be improved:

  • To assist in the training of young people to enable them to maintain themselves at the termination of their education and training;

  • To assist other non-statutory bodies in carrying out any of the above objects.

The needs of young people are many and the Trust does not wish to overly restrict the scope of applications received by it, however, projects addressing the following needs of children and young persons are particularly welcome:

  • Alcohol and drugs abuse

  • Homelessness

  • Counselling for those in need of guidance, advice, and support

Grant Level

The amount of grants available is variable. For guidance, it should be noted that the majority of grants are in the range of £500 to £2,500. When applying please remember that the approximate grant total per annum for all projects is £50,000/£60,000. Applicants who apply for in excess of £5,000 are almost always rejected or indeed those whose total project cost is in the tens of thousands.

Who can apply?

You must be a charity registered in the UK to apply. (or on the deemed list of charities with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and awaiting the call forward to apply - you may be asked for evidence of your status in this regard). 

The Trust assists projects within Northern Ireland only. It is not recommended to apply if you have been successful in receiving a grant within two years.

How to apply?

At present, the Trust considers grants twice in the year and should be received on or before the 30th of April or 30th of November. Applications will only be considered after these deadlines twice a year.

Applications should be made in the form available on the website and submitted to the Trust Secretary by email in Word (or other text documents), with only enclosures required as per the guidelines referred to in the Application. Any other documentation such as brochures and reports should not be sent to the Trust.

The Trust only considers applications by email.

Find out more on the website

Tesco Community Grants

Tesco Community Grants support thousands of local community projects and good causes across the UK.

The scheme is open to all registered charities and not-for-profit organisations, with priority given to projects that provide food and support to young people.

Examples of eligible applications with a focus on food security, children and young people could be:

  • A local school needing support to buy food for a children’s breakfast club,

  • A voluntary organisation working with families to run a food bank,

  • A charity supporting young people with specialist advice to manage mental health,

  • A brownie or scout group needing new camping equipment,

  • Kitchen equipment for a youth project to set up a holiday club,

  • Supporting a community centre wanting to put on a Christmas lunch or Meals on Wheels service,

  • A healthy eating project that supports families to cook healthy meals on a budget,

  • A local friends of a park group wanting to develop a new toddler area.

If you are a Tesco customer or colleague, you can also nominate a cause that you’d like to see supported and we’ll contact them to encourage them to apply.

Tesco colleagues in each store will help select those needing a little help in your local area and when our customers are given a blue token, in any of our Tesco stores at the checkout, they can vote for their favourite charity to receive a grant.