Comic Relief Launches New Youth Homelessness in the UK Fund

This is a new funding opportunity for UK based not-for-profit organisations that specialise in providing holistic support to young people aged 16-25 in the UK, who are at risk of, or experiencing homelessness.

Comic Relief is offering flexible, core funding in the way of grants of up to £200,000 over a three to five year period to organisations which do both of the following:

  • Specialise in the provision of holistic support to young people aged 16-25 in the UK, who are at immediate risk of, or experiencing homelessness. Support services should be tailored, inclusive and accessible, to remove barriers and better meet the multiple and diverse needs of young people at immediate risk of or experiencing homelessness. This work could be delivered by the applicant alone or in partnership.

  • Meaningfully involve young people with lived experience of homelessness, or who have been at risk of homelessness. This should include involving young people in the development of the organisation’s work and priority areas, and/or in the running of the organisation.

Although not a requirement, there is interest in organisations who work to change public attitudes towards youth homelessness and/or reduce the stigma and discrimination that young people face. This influencing work can be done either by the applicant or by working in partnership with others to effect change.

To be eligible, applicants must have an annual income of between £250,000 and £10 million and a set of annual accounts.

Comic Relief predominantly funds charities. Organisations that are not a registered charity must have a governing document that outlines the organisation's social purpose, demonstrating that any profit or assets are used for this purpose, and show that an asset lock is in place.

Flexible, core funding is designed to support the good work of organisations, and not just projects. This could mean core funding of the organisation’s annual budget to continue its good work, or funding to expand the work, or to add something new that amplifies the work or its results.

The deadline for applications is 7 May 2024 (15:00).

For more information and to apply, please visit Youth Homelessness in the UK | Comic Relief

Breast Cancer Charities have until 31 May to Submit a Grant Application (UK)

The Pink Ribbon Foundation is currently accepting applications from across the UK to its annual grants programme.

Grants of up to £6,000 are available to breast cancer charities in the UK that assist people affected by breast cancer and organisations that work on breast cancer research and prevention. The funding is for projects and initiatives that make a direct impact on individuals with breast cancer in the UK.

For the 2024 grant period and with requests for assistance growing, the Foundation decided to focus in the main on organisations with limited financial resources to deliver their services.

Application should relate to a specific project, not 'business as usual' or core costs. However, the Foundation has ‘helped out’ with core costs should the need be vital to the continuity of an organisation. Up to 15% of requests can be for unrestricted funding for the organisation to use as it deems necessary.

In most instances, the Foundation will consider funding delivery for projects that are already up and running. These can also be pilot programmes that are being rolled out to reach a new or much wider audience or projects that take a new approach in tackling a specific challenge.

Registered charities, community interest groups and social enterprises with a legal constitution and charitable objectives may apply.

The Foundation welcomes applications from all ethnic and minority groups. 

Grant applications must be hard copy and reach the Foundation by the deadline.

The deadline for applications is 31 May 2024.

For more information and to apply, please visit The Pink Ribbon Foundation

Ultach Fund for Irish Language Community Activities Invites Applications

An annual funding programme available to community organisations in Northern Ireland wishing to use and promote the Irish language is accepting applications.

The Ultach Fund is administered by Community Foundation for Northern Ireland after originally being established with capital from The Iontaobhas Ultach Trust. The fund is accepting applications for projects taking place in 2024/25 from registered charities and constituted grassroots community and voluntary groups based in Northern Ireland.

Funding is intended for projects that promote and encourage the use of the Irish language at community level and demonstrate cross-community aspects. Examples include:

  • Irish language classes, courses and other relevant learning opportunities.

  • Structured Irish language social events to improve fluency and/or support fluent Irish language speakers, including families.

  • Production of Irish language learning or awareness resources, such as innovative publications and relevant digital resources.

  • Irish language arts based activities.

Eligible costs include:

  • Small capital costs, where essential to the project.

  • Running costs may be deemed eligible for Irish language centres.

Grants of up to £5,000 are available.

The deadline for applications is 7 May 2024 (1pm).

For more information and to apply, please visit An Ciste ULTACH / The Ultach Fund - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (

Cultivating Creativity: National Lottery Funding for Northern Ireland Arts Initiatives

An annual programme designed to assist organisations to deliver arts projects which contribute to the growth of arts in the community for new and existing audiences, and which reflect the diversity of Northern Ireland's society and culture, is accepting applications.

The National Lottery Project Funding programme provided by Arts Council of Northern Ireland is inviting applications from a wide range of legally constituted organisations including registered charities, public sector bodies, commercial organisations and partnerships of organisations working together.

Projects must take place between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025. Eligible projects and activities include:

  • Projects, events and programmes of activity together with related overhead costs associated with the delivery of the project/event or programme.

  • Projects which contribute to the growth of the work force and/or artistic development through mentoring programmes or opportunities.

  • Projects which promote mental health and wellbeing for all participants.

  • Projects which have sustainable development at their core, or which address environmental issues.

  • Accessibility costs: these are costs associated with the delivery of a project for people with particular needs as defined under Section 75 of The Northern Ireland Act 1998, eg sign language interpretation, Braille paperwork, transport costs, carer costs.

  • Continuation of salaries of existing administrative and/or arts posts.

  • New work commissions and productions in all art forms.

  • Research and Development.

  • Audience Development - to meet the needs of audiences and to help arts organisations develop ongoing relationships with diverse audiences.

  • Touring (in more than one local authority area).

  • Presentations or exhibitions (in more than one local authority area) of work by artists and arts organisations, which develop opportunities for audiences to attend international events in Northern Ireland which they might not otherwise see.

  • Projects which are planned to reach significant audiences through 'live', 'as live' or recorded digital performance, publication, broadcast, reading, recording, and/or other audience channels.

  • Modest requests for capital equipment, website design and upkeep costs and digital platform development will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and these must be integral to project design and/or delivery and/or specific project costs.

Grants of between £10,001 and £75,000 are available. Applicants are required to provide a minimum of 10% of total project costs from non-Lottery, non-Arts Council sources, comprised of cash and/or in-kind funding.

The deadline for applications is 7 May 2024 (12 noon).

For more information and to apply, please visit National Lottery Project Funding 2024-2025 | Arts Council NI (

Triangle Trust to Open for UK Applications with New Focus for 2024

Following on from its change in funding strategy last year, the Triangle Trust 1949 Fund is focusing its funding in 2024 solely on not-for-profit organisations working with vulnerable young women and girls who have been in the criminal justice system or who are at a high risk of entering it.

 The Trust holds two grants rounds per year with grants of up to £80,000 over two years (up £40,000 can be requested per year):

  • The Spring round is for proposals wanting to work with young people who already have a criminal conviction.

  • The Autumn round is for proposals focused on targeted work with high-risk young people on the edge of the criminal justice system.

Registered charities, not-for-profit social enterprises and community interest companies that are working within the UK and have a UK office can apply.

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Have previous experience of working with vulnerable young women or girls either on the edge of the criminal justice system or who already have criminal convictions.

  • Be requesting funding for a project working exclusively with young women and girls.

  • Work solely with women and girls.

  • Have a proven track record of running projects working with young women and girls that is both gender and trauma informed.

  • Be proposing a project with targets that are specifically linked to either reducing the number of young women or girls who reoffend or reduce the number of young women and girls who receive a first conviction.

  • Have an average annual income over the past three years of less than £1.5 million.

  • Be a registered charity or an organisation set up with a clear social purpose and appropriate governing documents stating this.

The Trust particularly welcomes applications from organisations working in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

The Spring 2024 application window opens on 18 April and closes on 23 May 2024.

For more information and to apply, please visit The Triangle Trust

Heart of the Community Fund 2024

The Heart of the Community Fund is an open grant round designed to meet the needs of not-for-profit organisations delivering vital services and supports to people across the island of Ireland.

The Ireland Funds recognises the challenges organisations face in securing funding to build their capacity or meet their core costs, so the Heart of the Community Fund 2024 will provide Organisational Investment Grants. The application form will enable you to share what you’re working towards and how you deliver on your mission, so we can get a picture of your organisation as a whole. If your application is successful, you can then allocate the funding to meet your most pressing needs.

How to Apply 

Applications are being accepted through the online portal only, which will be available on the website from Monday, April 15th. Please read the guidelines in full before beginning your application.

The closing date is Friday, May 3rd. Late applications will not be accepted.


Funding Levels

The Heart of the Community Fund 2024 will provide grants between €5,000-25,000 to not-for-profit organisations with an annual turnover of less than €/£3,000,000.

At least €500,000 will be distributed through this grant round.

How will this work?

The application form includes questions that will help us understand what your organisation does, why you do it, who you do it for and how you monitor your effectiveness. It also includes questions about your budget for the year and how much your current shortfall is, as well as a section where you can provide some examples of what this funding could be used for.

The Ireland Funds Grants Team will assess your application and, if your application is successful, will determine the most suitable amount to offer your organisation within the range available.
When you receive the grant offer, you will then be asked to specify the designation for the funding e.g. €10,000 for Marketing Manager Salary and €10,000 for Utility Bills.

They understand the need to have flexible funding that can be deployed throughout the year as needed, so up to 25% of the amount you are awarded can be designated to your “Flexible/Contingency Costs Fund”.

Please note that funds must be expended within 12 months.

Funding Priorities 

In 2024, within the four pillars, they will prioritise applications from organisations working in the following spaces:

1. Community Integration and Inclusion

The focus here is ‘Belonging’. Your organisation defines what community means to your work e.g.older people, LGBTQI+, people with disabilities, migrants etc.

2. Youth and Family Supports

This stream focuses on areas such as youth clubs, food provision and mental health supports. For the purpose of this grant round, youth is defined as 0-18years.

You will not be asked to self-identify as aligning with one or more of these priorities, our team will determine that based on your application.

If your organisation works outside of these areas, please still feel welcome to apply, just note that these areas are where we will focus the majority of funding.


Due to an expected high volume of applications, all inquiries will be dealt with through email. Please contact us at if you have any outstanding questions that have not been addressed through the information provided.

For more information, please visit Grants - The Ireland Funds, Progress through Philanthropy

Keadue Community Grants Fund

Purpose of the Fund:

Keadue Community Grants Fund was established by a local family to provide support to local organisations tackling the growing social need in Derry City and surrounding Waterside areas.

How does it work?

Organisations and constituted groups which are supporting local people through short and long term crises caused by a range of social factors including issues such as poverty, addiction, and low educational attainment, can apply for a grant. The organisations which support people can also apply for running costs to maintain the support offered to those in crisis and need.

Social factors can include but are not exclusive to: poverty, ill health, addiction, disability, family breakdown, abuse, bereavement, loneliness and isolation, or low educational attainment.

Key objectives

With these grants we aim to fund local organisations who are already making a difference in the lives of people who are struggling with difficult life issues and their subsequent effects.

Grants can be used to fund any of the following activities:

  • An existing support programme

  • Creation of a new programme

  • Staff costs including salaries, core costs and specialist training

  • Small scale capital costs including premises refurbishment and the

  • purchase of equipment

  • Events and awareness raising activities

  • Capacity building activities to address elements of organisational sustainability

  • Partnership building activities to strengthen support and impact

  • Volunteer costs and associated expenses

Grants available

Grant sizes will typically be between £10k and £20k to be awarded over periods of up to two years. Organisations can re-apply in subsequent years following completion of grant evaluation and monitoring reports.


For the shortlisting process we will prioritise organisations that:

  • Are embedded in the local community and can evidence knowledge of local issues

  • Can provide impact stories of meeting need

  • Can provide long term support to the people they are helping if needed

  • Can specify organisational need

  • Recognises the need to provide skills-building for staff and volunteers

  • Are well regarded in the local community, and if needed, can provide 2 references

Basic eligibility

The fund is open to constituted groups, organisations and small registered charities based in Derry City and surrounding Waterside areas.

Partnerships are encouraged to apply, with one organisation identified as the lead.

Applicants must have a signed, locally adopted governing document as well as associated paperwork such as accounts, current bank account, management committee, relevant policies, in the name of the applicant organisation.

For more information and to apply, please visit Keadue Community Grants Fund - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (

Access to Resilience

This programme is supported with money from Dormant Assets NI. Dormant Assets NI is an expansion of the Dormant Accounts Fund NI.

This programme aims to address the gaps in our Dormant Assets investment to date. We want to fund support organisations – sometimes known as network, umbrella, membership or community anchor organisations. We want these organisations to improve access to the help they provide to small, underrepresented community groups in Northern Ireland.

By small community groups, we mean groups with an annual income of around £10,000 up to £100,000.

By underrepresented community groups, we mean groups that focus on representing the needs of:

  • older people

  • disabled people

  • women

  • ethnically minoritised people

  • faith-based communities

  • LGBTQ+ people

  • rural communities.

Specifically, we want to fund support organisations so that they can help community groups with things like:

  • financial planning and budgeting

  • project management

  • good governance

  • diversity and inclusion

  • digital skills

  • impact measurement

  • strategic planning

  • volunteer management

  • collaboration

  • leadership

  • succession planning.

We want the projects we fund to address existing barriers and achieve meaningful and inclusive participation.

You might be a generalist support organisation that already helps a diverse range of community groups. You might want to improve access to underrepresented community groups who are not currently benefiting from that support.

Or you might be a specialist support organisation that already specialises in helping underrepresented community groups. For example, women, older people or disabled people.
Your aim might be to get more resources to meet the needs of these groups.


Northern Ireland

Suitable for

Support, network, umbrella, membership or community anchor organisations.

Funding size

Up to £150,000, for up to 3 years.

Total available

£3 million. We aim to make around 25 to 30 grants.

Application deadline

12pm on Thursday 4 July 2024

For more information, please visit Access to resilience | The National Lottery Community Fund (

Climate Action Fund – Our Shared Future Opens for UK Applications

The National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF) has launched its new £20 million ‘Climate Action Fund – Our Shared Values’ as part of its wider Climate Action programme.

The funding is for formal partnership working across sectors, led by community and voluntary organisations or public sector organisations for projects that reach more people by either: 

  • Linking climate action to the everyday lives and interests of local communities and inspiring them to take action.

  • Influencing communities at a regional or national level, for example by linking up groups across locations, or a campaign that inspires change across one country, or the whole UK.

The funding is intended to reach people who are new to climate action by funding other types of organisations and by using other using people's everyday activities and interests as a starting point for climate action.

For example, a project might:

  • Involve people who have not had a say. This could be because they are new to climate action, or because they come from communities that experience poverty, disadvantage and discrimination.

  • Introduce a climate perspective to a group who came together around another interest or activity.

  • Test the best ways to engage different audiences in climate action.

  • Spread an exciting local approach to climate action by sharing it nationally.

There is particular interest in projects that involve people, places and communities experiencing poverty, discrimination and disadvantage.

A total of up to 25 projects is expected to be funded. The minimum grant is £500,000. It is expected that most grants will be between £1 million and £1.5 million over three to five years. Some exceptional projects of up to £3 million, for up to seven years, may be funded.

NLCF is holding the following information sessions:

  • 16 May 2024 (11:00 to 12 noon) (Welsh and English). 

  • 21 May 2024 (14:00 to 15:00)

Advanced registration is required and can be done on the NLCF website.

There are currently no deadlines for funding applications.

Applications will be accepted  until at least 31 December 2024. NLCF plan to close to applications in early 2025.

For more information, please visit Climate Action Fund - Our Shared Future | The National Lottery Community Fund (

Road Safety Trust Accepting UK Applications to Spring 2024 Small Grants Round

The Road Safety Trust, an independent grant-giving trust, supports projects and research that make UK roads safer for all road users.

Public and non-profit organisations across the UK can now apply for the 2024 funding round of Road Safety Small Grants.

This year, grants of £10,000 to £50,000 for up to 24 months is available.

The main aim of the Small Grants Programme is to improve road safety at a local level. The funding is for smaller, local projects with a practical focus. The funder is looking for measurable interventions that link to local priorities and show a proposed link to reducing casualties either directly or through clear interim measures.

Eligible projects are pilots/trials, expanding successful trials across a new area, and/or the evaluation of interventions. Projects should have the potential for being brought to scale, with the ultimate goal of reducing deaths and injuries both locally and across the UK.

Requests for 100% project costs will not be eligible. All projects should have other sources of funding, either cash or in-kind. This contribution can come from the applicant or other partners.

Applications are accepted from local authorities, police forces, fire and rescue services or UK based registered charities, legally constituted not-for-profit social enterprises or community interest companies.

Groups can now book a 1:1 slot with the Grants Team for 9 April or 16 April 2024.

Commenting on the 2024 funding round, The Road Safety Trust’s Chief Executive, Ruth Purdie OBE, said:

“The purpose of The Road Safety Trust is to make UK roads safer, achieving impact through the funding of practical measures, research, dissemination and education initiatives.

“In making decisions, we will take a strategic approach so that a range of different types of projects are funded that have the potential to improve road safety outcomes. All projects are expected to produce a report and describe how it will be shared and promoted.” 

The deadline to apply is 24 April 2024.

For more information, please visit Road Safety Trust

ASDA Foundation launch their second Grassroots Grant round for 2024

Asda Foundation’s goal is to build resilient communities by empowering local groups to make a positive difference, addressing local challenges and social needs. We aim to achieve this by providing funding to local grassroots community groups to enable them to meet the diverse needs of their community and to help them thrive and grow.

The Empowering Local Communities (ELC) grant is one of three grants within our ‘Grassroots Grants’ programme, our broadest grant programme which aims to empower our Community Champions and grassroots groups to apply for what’s important in local communities. It is designed to support a broad range of activities helping to transform communities and improve lives.

To apply, you must Contact your local Community Champion in your local ASDA store.

For more information, please visit PowerPoint Presentation (

Applications open: 25th March to 24th May 2024* Funding for activities & events up to the end of November 2024 Minimum Grant Value £400 Maximum Grant value £2,000

Education Authority release funding oppurtunities available for 2024/25

The Education Authroty have released a number of funding oppurtunities available for 2024/25:

  • Regional Project Funding - Provides support services to youth work organisations on key themes identified as needed for children and young people to include; supporting the educational attainment of children and young people, support for Section 75 groups and young people who live in rural areas.

  • Regional Development Funding - Is available for the delivery of additional or enhanced key services identified as needed for example; development of research on key issues affecting young people and Small Grants Scheme.

  • Area Based Funding - Is for EA registered local youth work organisations who directly deliver in communities across Northern Ireland including;

    • Centre-Based Youth Work

    • Area Based Youth Work

    • Outreach or Detached Youth Work

  • Local Project Funding - Is for EA registered local youth work organisations who directly deliver youth work on key themes identified as needed for children and young people including; supporting educational attainment, support for Section 75 groups and young people who live in rural areas.

  • Planned Intervention Programme - Is designed specifically to enable organisations to work with young people in interface areas and areas where there is the potential of heightened social unrest during the period of the 1st June 2024 to the 7th of November 2024, particularly on weekends, evenings and during the traditional times of community events. It seeks to provide positive alternatives for young people at risk of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour, sectarianism and recruitment from paramilitary gangs, and to address heightened inter and intra community tension around interfaces.

For more information and to apply, please visit Funding – EANI Funding

The Fore’s Funding Programme Opens for Summer Registration on 28 March

The Fore offers unrestricted funding to small charities across the UK that are making a big impact and who want to significantly grow, strengthen, become more efficient or resilient. The national funding programme is open to any sector and region within the UK with particular interest in grassroots organisations working with underserved communities.

Unrestricted grants of up to £30,000 spread over one to three years are available. In addition, non-financial support such as access to a network of skilled, pro-bono volunteers, online training workshops and seminars are available to successful charities for life.

The unrestricted funding can be used for any purpose, including core costs and capital funding as long as the grants will help strengthen the organisation internally and help it to take the next step forwards in its growth or sustainability. Applications for core costs must show how the funding will move the organisation forward rather than enabling ‘business as usual’.

Applications will be considered from UK registered charities, community interest companies, charitable incorporated organisations and community benefit societies with less than £500,000 annual income in the previous completed financial year. Applications will be accepted from anywhere in the UK.

To apply for funding, organisations must first register some basic contact details at the start of the funding round. Once their place on the funding round has been confirmed by email, they have three to four weeks to submit an application. Only organisations that have registered with the Fore and are allocated a place may submit an application for the specific funding round.

This is a very competitive process, and The Fore reports that one-third of applicants will get through to the ‘ideas testing’ phase.

There are three funding rounds per year (Spring, Summer and Autumn) which open for registration for one week only.

The Summer funding round will open for registration at 12pm (midday) on 28 March 2024 and close at 12pm (midday) on 4 April 2024.

For more information and to apply, please visit Home - The Fore

PEACEPLUS Investment Area 1.3- Building Positive Relations, is now open

Applications are invited for projects which will promote good relations characterised by respect, where cultural diversity is celebrated and people can live, learn and socialise together, free from prejudice, hate and intolerance. Supported projects will enable individuals and communities to collaborate across a broad range of areas of mutual interest, such as parenting, arts and culture, sport, education, and social innovation/enterprise.

The programme area aims to increase in the percentage of the programme area population which has relationships with and as such a greater understanding of those from different cultural backgrounds.

The call will be open for 12 weeks, with a closing date of 13th June 2024. Pre application support for potential applicants is available on the SEUPB website, along with the call document. More information and details on how to apply can be found below:

Call 2 Revenue Grant and Civic Representative Grant 2024/25

Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council is offering financial assistance to eligible groups in the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector for the period 1 July 2024 - 31 March 2025 for:-

• Running costs (for eligible organisations)

• Programmes

• Events


Funding is available through the following grant programmes:

• Community Grants

• Arts, Culture and Events Grants

• Good Relations Grants

 Applications are open from 9.00am on Monday 25 March until 12 noon on Friday 26 April 2024

Civic Representative Grant will be opening for eligible organisations/ individuals for funding from date of Letter of Offer until 31 March 2025

Applications are open from Monday 8 April 2024 until 12 noon Friday 7 February 2025

Further information including details of how to apply can be found at Funding Hub | Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council (


Groups also wishing to be notified of future funding opportunities and other relevant information should request their details be added to the Council database by emailing

Initial queries should be directed to Valerie Armstrong on 07515 607480

2024 Partnership Grants Scheme is now open

Biffa Awards are currently accepting Expressions of Interest for up to £1,000,000 to the 2024 Partnership Grants Scheme. Applications can now be submitted for both the Built Environment and Natural Environment themes.

Partnership Grants Scheme Overview

Built Environment projects should restore, modernise and/or improve facilities such as cultural, heritage or visitor centres. The facility should be inclusive and promote learning, curiosity, and participation to large numbers of visitors on a national scale.

Natural Environment projects should restore and/or improve the environment and the natural systems or habitats that support it. Projects should be working to Biodiversity 2020: A Strategy for England’s Wildlife and Ecosystem Services, its predecessor, or a Local Biodiversity Action Plan.

Your application should also consider environmental sustainability to mitigate the impact your project will have both during project delivery and after funded works are completed. You may consider employing local trades people, using sustainable materials, recycling existing components, reducing energy consumption or reducing carbon footprint.

If you are interested in submitting an application, please read our Guidance Notes.

Expression of Interest submission deadline date: Noon 31 May 2024
Outcome of Expression of Interest submission: July 2024
Outcome of Full Application submission (if invited forward): November 2024

Preference will be given to projects:

  • Where Biffa Award is recognised as the majority funder

  • That work in partnership with other organisations

  • Which engage with the public


General Criteria

  • The project must be eligible for registration with the scheme regulator, Entrust

  • The organisation must be a fully constituted, charitable or not for profit organisation with no share capital. Unfortunately, local authorities, hospices, hospitals, day-care centres, rehabilitation units, residential care facilities, and schools are not eligible to make an application. Village halls and community centres are not eligible to make an application for funding through the Partnership Grant scheme.

  • Applications must be for between £250,000 – £1,000,000

  • The project site must be located within 15 miles of a significant Biffa operation or active Biffa landfill site (check your project’s postcode using the Postcode Checker below)

  • Each project site must also be within 10 miles of any licensed landfill site. To find your nearest landfill site, telephone the regulator Entrust on: 01926 488300

  • If the organisation does not own the project site, a fully signed lease with at least 25 years remaining must be in place for Built Environment applications

  • There must be a minimum of 104 days of full public access to the project per year

  • Any Biffa Award grant must be used for site-based improvement work, not for movable equipment, staff core costs or storage facilities

  • Biffa Award is unable to fund requests to help an existing facility meet the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act

  • Biffa Award is unable to fund retrospectively, so you should only apply for funding for work that will take place in the future

  • All shortfall funding must be secured

  • Planning permission must be in place, if it is required

  • The project must not cross the two themes


Specifically for Natural Environment projects:

  • Projects must be working to Biodiversity 2020: A Strategy for England’s Wildlife and Ecosystem Services, it’s successor, or a Local Biodiversity Action Plan target. See 25 year environment plan

  • If you are not the landowner you must have a signed landowner agreement in place agreeing to access for maintenance, surveying and monitoring for a period of not less than 25 years

  • Research is not eligible

  • There must be a comprehensive management plan in place for the key species/habitat(s) involved for each site

  • Biffa Award will not fund habitat improvement work on any land which the applicant intends to sell for biodiversity units

If you are interested in applying for Partnership Grants Scheme funding, please read our Guidance Notes

For more information and to check eligibility, please visit Partnership Grants Scheme - Biffa Award (

Evishagaran and Craiggore Community Benefit Fund

Purpose of the fund:

The Evishagaran and Craiggore Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund was established in 2022 by the ERG Group.

The fund’s aim is to provide financial support towards the development of locally-beneficial community-based projects and initiatives within a 7km radius of Evishagaran and Craiggore wind farms, Dungiven.

Applications are invited from charities and community organisations based within a 7km radius of the Evishagaran and Craiggore wind farm sites.

Evishgaran Map

Craiggore Map

Applicants can apply for financial support for any one or more of the following purposes:

  • The advancement of education; and/or

  • The advancement of environmental protection or improvement; and/or

  • Projects for environmental and/or biodiversity benefit; and/or

  • Improving the health of residents; and/or

  • Promoting care & support of vulnerable people; and/or

  • Promoting recreational or sporting activities; and/or

  • The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science; and/or

  • Improving or maintaining community buildings or facilities; and/or

  • Social and local community development; and/or

  • The promotion of culture and knowledge; and/or

  • Support for young people and sports; and/or

  • Promoting ERG’s culture and sustainability of renewable energies; and/or

  • Supporting social development leveraging on ERG’s business activities; and/or

  • Supporting the “call of ideas” for the innovation in the nearby areas; and/or

  • Education in relation to sustainability, the development of renewables, and the fight against climate change

Priority will be given to:

  • Education programmes for the next generation on the topics of Sustainability and Renewable Energy

  • Collaborative projects

  • Projects that aim to improve the health of residents, particularly mental health

  • Projects that promote care & support of vulnerable people, particularly relating to the cost of living/fuel poverty

Amount of funding available:

There will be two elements to this fund;

  • Micro grants of up to £4,000 for small projects

  • Strategic grants of up to £10,000 for larger scale strategic partnership projects, with one lead applicant (We anticipate supporting up to 2 of these grants)

Closing date - 23rd April 2024 1pm.

For more information, please visit Evishagaran and Craiggore Community Benefit Fund - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (

Tesco and The Sun Offer 150 One-off Grants Through the Footie for All Fund

Tesco and the newspaper, The Sun, have joined together for a second year to provide a total of £150,000 to encourage more children and young people to take up football or improve access to the game.

The grants are part of The Sun’s Footie for All campaign to highlight how financial struggles are forcing young people to give up football.

The funding is designed to provide support to grassroots football organisations working with children under the age of 18 to enable them to continue to deliver activities that allow local young people to take part.

Constituted not-for-profit grassroots football clubs from across the UK can apply for grants of up to £1,000 which will support 100% of project costs.

The funding can be used to assist clubs in improving facilities, purchasing equipment and new kits, and meeting any other needs that can enhance the experience of children and young people, enabling them to access and participate in football within the local community.

Applications will not be accepted from schools, projects that work with people over 18 years of age, school breakfast clubs, health bodies or parish and town councils.

Only one application per organisation will be accepted.

The Footie for All Fund is being managed by Groundwork UK which manages Tesco’s grant-giving programme. 

The deadline for applications is 30 April 2024 (midnight).

For more information, please visit Footie for All (

Ulster Wildlife is delighted to be working with the Energy Saving Trust Foundation on their new round of funding

Ulster Wildlife is delighted to be working with the Energy Saving Trust Foundation on their new round of funding for organisations working with children and young people in Northern Ireland.

The funding will support organisations working with children and young people to deliver Sustainable Youth, (Environment and Sustainability Curriculum model developed by Ulster Wildlife on behalf of the Education Authority Youth Service).  Sustainable Youth provides a framework for youth led social action projects that address environmental issues.  It is therefore ideal for supporting children and young people to take action on climate change.

Interested organisations should visit the Energy Saving Trust Foundation’s website to read more about the funding criteria and to submit an Expression of Interest.

  • Applications for Expressions of Interest are open until 12th April.

  • Shortlisted organisations will then be invited to submit a full application by 10th May.

  • Decisions will be made on 27th June.

To be eligible to apply you must be an organisation working with children and young people in Northern Ireland and have a turnover of under £1m in your last financial year.

Successful organisations must also commit to a one-day training in the Sustainable Youth model provided by Ulster Wildlife.

Funding is for two years and organisations can apply for up to a maximum of £20k a year (£40k in total). Applications at all funding levels are encouraged.

If you have any questions about these grants, please contact Lindsay Marsden (Head of EST Foundation) at

Community Services Project Development Grants

Grants are available to voluntary and community organisations in Fermanagh and Omagh to help identify local need and/or further develop community project ideas.


The Community Services Project Development grants programme is provided and administered by Fermanagh and Omagh District Council.

Objectives of Fund

The funding is intended to build community capacity and create positive change, promoting social inclusion and fostering collaboration with other local, county or regional groups or agencies.

Value Notes

Grants of up to £2,000 are available, to fund up to 75% of total project costs.

Match Funding Restrictions

Applicants are required to provide at least 25% of their total project costs from other sources.

Who Can Apply

Applications are accepted from voluntary and community organisations located in the Fermanagh and Omagh district.

Where an application relates to a capital project, the group must own or have a long-term lease on the property.

Eligible Expenditure

The funding can support costs including the creation of:

  • Action plans.

  • Feasibility studies.

  • Economic appraisals.

  • Technical drawings.

Projects must align with the Fermanagh Omagh 2030 Community Plan and other relevant policies or strategies.

For more information please visit FODC (